British Comedy Guide

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Mike Huckabee is on stage.

Heya folks I’m Mike Huckabee, the comedy dipshit Republican candidate. You’re probably wandering why you should vote, for some one who sounds like George Bush’s idiot older brother. Well there’s a good reason.

Chuck Norris walks on.

It’s me. Chuck Norris, worlds hardest man with a beard.

If you vote for me I’ll make Chuck my secretary of defence. When I do I predict an end to world terrorism in 48 hours. Chuck will lead the whole of NATO on motorbikes across the Axis of Evil; Iran, Syrian, North Korea, and France. Before round house kicking Osama Bin Laden in slow motion. We’ll bring White Snake in an Apache helicopter to provide a backing track America f**kk yeh, and Eye of the Tiger.

Any questions bitches?

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