I think these are maybe a bit hit and miss.
My wife wants to try her hand as a stripper. I can't fault her for showing naked ambition.
I can't decide between Vision Express and Spec Savers. Why can't I have glasses both quickly and cheaply? Still, Dolland and Aichinson have no chance of getting my business.
I knew a DJ who could cure cancer simply by speaking in dulcet tones. He was in great demand as a radio therapist.
I had a great joke about alzheimers, but I've forgotten it... I had a great joke about alzeimhers, but I've forgotten it.
I've just started a new job making calendars. It's tough, but my boss has advised me to take it one day at a time.
What do brain surgeons say when they want to downplay the difficulty of their job?
I broke my ankle playing football. I've been advised to recover one step at a time.
Trying for a baby, I gave my wife one X and one Y chromosome. We're going to call the little fella xylophone.
There's an incredible statistic about life in London. You're never more than six feet, six feet, that's my height – six feet from an American.
I had an upper middle class upbringing rather than an upper class one. I ate crackers, but topped with cheese rather than Tarquin's cum.
I joined a suicide forum in Bridgend. I wanted a forum where it was easy to become the senior member.
I got chucked out of the Brigend suicide cult. Apparently, Facebook suicide doesn't qualify.