Friday 22nd February 2008 2:59pm
Royal Berkshire
69,971 posts
This message goes out to most, but not all, of the people who have posted in this thread.
Grow the f**k up.
Firstly, congratulations in driving Prentis y Dewin away, James and sootyj. It would appear that he has worked in TV production for as long as I have been alive. Good on you.
Secondly, apart from the somewhat confrontational, unwavering, non-backing-down tone of his or her posts, I have yet to see anything to suggest that FoxyBox is chimes of freedom, as you all have ordained to be the case. In fact, they seem to come from different countries. So a big well done on your detective skills.
Thirdly, if anyone suspects another member of having duplicate accounts it should be reported to me, or at very least another member of staff. If possible then specific evidence or examples should be provided, and not just "I reckon x is actually y". Don't be such utter bitchy c**ts about it.
Oh, and the bitching by some members, both here and elsewhere, about the lack of comedic talents of others, is a pot/kettle interface. In my humble, audience member's opinion, a number of you - although thoroughly decent fellows - would be better served to think less about writing and more about whether Tesco is hiring.
Please remember that neither the BSG nor the BSG message board were created for writers. It's just who our main userbase has turned out to be. I can't think of anyone I dislike, but some members really do take f**king liberties, and quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of some of your behaviour.
Do not take the forums for granted. Mark and I run the site in our spare time, and what pittance is made through DVD sales goes straight back into the various costs involved in keeping the place alive. Mark in particular is having to take significant time off from his PAID career to work on the BCG-rebuild, and I'll be doing similar to get the new board sorted out. Remember that this place is a labour of love, taking rather than making money, so don't take the piss.
Unless of course you'd all like to pay the £10-£20 a year membership fee which we'd need to start charging?
If you don't like any of that, then I suggest that you f**k off and find another message board to whine and moan on. I'm sure that Jake How will tell you what a loving, friendly folk the Chortle people are.
P.S. FoxyBox, this song sounds like something I'd love. Could you PM it to me please? (Along with the YouTube link, 'cos if David was young enough to buy it, Mozart probably wrote the thing.)
P.P.S. bushbaby (and anyone else) there's a "Report" button at the bottom of every post. That will alert me instantly if there's a problem.