Abu Hamza 1 23 11 2007
Abu Hamza is talking to a woman in his cell
I’m from the US embassy, now you’re getting deported Mr Hamza I’m here to ensure you receiveswift and fair US justice.
Are you a lawyer infidel whore?
No I’m an undertaker
She gets a tape measure and starts to measure him.
Abu Hamza 2
Prison warder is reading the Sun to Abu
According to George Bush you’re the Sid Vicious of fundamentalist Islam mr Hamza.
AbuDoes he acknowledge I am the popular, charismatic leader of a revolution?
No once he gets you over there, you’re going to die on your back, with a needle in your arm.
Abu Hamza 3
Prison warder is talking to Abu Hamza
You’re being deported to the US because you keep giving people so much shit.
Gordon Brown
No the prisoner who has to wipe your arse for you
Abu Hamza 4
Abu Hamza is talking to his lawyer.
Mr Hamza in 2 weeks you’ll be deported to the US where you will 6 months in a coffin sized cell, lights never turned off, no human contact and then they’ll execute you.
Worthless infidel, is there no way out.
If you agree to be the new England manager there’s a full pardon in it for you.
Stuff that, in US they only torture me for 6 months, before they kill me.