British Comedy Guide

All's Well that Ends Well

Interior of a building society, two assistants seated behind the counter.

A robber enters with something under his jumper to give the impression he is armed. He moves straight to the counter.

ROBBER: Okay, just put the money on the counter and no one’s going to get hurt.

ASSISTANT 1 opens drawer below counter and takes out about £150 and puts it on the counter.

ROBBER: Is that it?

ASSISTANT 1 nods to confirm.

ROBBER: It’s hardly worth my bother.

ASSISTANT 1: Well we don’t keep much now on account of (pause) well robbers.

ROBBER: That really is all there is?

ASSISTANT 1: Well for large withdrawals you’re supposed to give us three days notice.

ROBBER: This is ridiculous, I’ve got more than that at home.

ASSISTANT 1: You shouldn’t really leave it at home, it’s not safe. You could be burgled. You should put in the building society. Be safe there (pause) and you’d get interest.

ROBBER: How much interest?

ASSISTANT 1: Well it depends, do you pay tax?

ROBBER: I don’t think so.

ASSISTANT 1: Have you got an ISA?

ROBBER: What’s an ISA?

ASSISTANT 1: Tax free savings account, just everyone’s gotta have an ISA, I can’t believe you haven’t got an ISA. I tell you what, you get off and bring your cash back and we’ll get it sorted for you.

ROBBER: Brill, do I get a money box?

ASSISTANT 1: Go on then, been as I like you.

Robber turns and starts to leave.

ASSISTANT 1: Ooh nearly forgot, don’t forget to bring two proofs of ID back with you.

ROBBER: No probs, see ya.

ASSISTANT 1: See ya.

Robber leaves.


ASSISTANT 1 turns to ASSISTANT 2 (mouth hanging open in astonishment)

ASSISTANT 1: Aah what a nice man, I wonder if he’s married…..

This I like, this I like.

It's the kind of laid back, character driven sketch, that's surprisingly taught, and driven.

Why thank you kind Sir.

Mm, yes, this worked well.

Very good Mannikin, not my usual taste of gag-gag-gag but good idea that's VERY nicely turned around.

Loved it. Well written and funny. I wanted it to be longer. Laughing out loud

Yes I too liked this one Mannikin. Nice little turn-around and well written too. Liked the dialogue very much.

Very good, very funny :D

I was expecting him to hand over his ID and get caught, but you beat my expectations.

Thanks for all the comments, they're all appreciated.

Good one.

I expected the cashier to persuade the robber to open an account with the £150 Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Yes, that did cross my mind. Believe it or not I was trying to keep it as 'real' as possible.

Very funny & snappy. From beginning to end.

Quote: Charley @ February 22, 2008, 12:38 AM

Very funny & snappy. From beginning to end.

Sounds like your mouth.

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