Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at large. @ February 19, 2008, 6:52 PMI am dyslexic too. No one spotted it when I was at school. As I said, my teachers were all idiots. I always liked going at my own pace and hated things being crammed into me without anyone taking the time to check it had actually sunk in. I think I would personally have benefited more from a Steiner Education. If I ever have kids and they start showing signs of being like me education wise, I would send them to a steiner school. It's not for everyone but I feel I would have got more out of it.
My work used to get held up in art, as examples of what not to do. I lost PSE classes for 2 years so I could practice hand writing by rote. I also got detention for bad spelling, and did it make me bitter, and vengeful.
Only slightly.
Oh and I was barred from woodwork or metal work as a threat to my own and others safety, as far as I know that bans still in effect.