British Comedy Guide

Funniest Thing On YouTube

What's the funniest thing you've ever seen on YouTube?

Off the top of my head, I can't remember laughing at anything more than this:

Very funny, may just have turned me gay.

I had to confirm I was old enough to watch that! haha

this has to be my favourite although star wars kid at the time was pretty hard to beat.

There's something very infectious about 'the giggles.'

Not rib-tickling funny but certainly amusing.

Two computers duet Frankie goes to Hollywood's 'The Power of Love' in 8-bit style:

Incidentally, it was Brian Nash, the guitarist in Frankie that posted this link on another forum.

Perry: Please send me your address. My psychiatrist would like to know where to forward the bill.

Nick: That is indeed hilarious. Even better with the full translation. Brilliant stuff.

Tuumble: Immense. Laughing out loud

The hell-for-leather hamster:

Still makes me laugh lots to this day


Hahah, classic. (If not a little abusive.)

Perhaps not the funniest, but wait for 24 seconds.

What the hell is this advertising?


It's adveritising mentalist, is that a mint chewing gum, for the mentally unwell?


Another not the funniest, but I love these faked trailers.

Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 8:45 AM

Another not the funniest, but I love these faked trailers.

Brilliant! :D

I like this

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