You know when you're a kid and someone lets you stand on their feet while they walk and they carry you...
What's that called?
You know when you're a kid and someone lets you stand on their feet while they walk and they carry you...
What's that called?
I'm trying to describe it as a direction. I'm just trying to think of something a little more succint than 'Kid stands on grown-ups feet and gets carried away.'
actually that's not all that bad.
I know what you mean, but I don't think there's a name for it. How you've described it is good though.
I did that on my dad's feet when I was little... I think it was just called "going on his feet"
We called it the foot-dance.
In a somewhat tautological turn of phrase.
So what's that thing called when one person lies on the ground and balances another above them by their hands and feet? 'Sky-diving', is it? My brothers and I used to do it when we were kids, but I believe Ricky Gervais does it as a grown man with his editor Nigel.
Did that one too... can't remember the name...
We called that the superman.
They did it in Grosse Pointe Blank, I don't know what they called it.
The other thing's called 'dancing on your dad's feet', innit?
Of course, if your dad's not involved, I can't help you.
I remember it being called 'Grandad's Footsteps'. That was down our way, however.
That sounds sinister.
Down our way was a little shady, I'll give you that...
Moved to General. Ellie can have this bundle.
I already moved it to WD!
Bloody disturbing direction this has taken though.