British Comedy Guide

Northern Rock Page 3

Quote: Aaron @ February 18, 2008, 12:27 PM

Well, she told Argentina to f**k off, she got the rebate from Europe, and overhauled financial services. But then there was the Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty (albeit not ratified until 1992), so no one is without fault.

I'd certainly agree that B&B have done little good, but their love of targets and ill-thought-out initiatives pandering to the popular public issues of the day have ruined this country, IMO. I have teachers and NHS workers in my immediate-ish family, and the obsession with these kinds of top-down stipulations are making their jobs harder. If you just let teachers teach, without interference from politicians who haven't been into a classroom since they were 18, we'd be quite a bit better off.

Was the Falklands a success? Latest figues showed more British Soldiers died in tha Falklands than Iraq. The British Fleet would due to Nott's defence cuts would not have been able to succeed if the event had happened 1 week later. HMS Hermes was already in the breakers yard, and the Invincible would have been sold to Australia with two months.

I agree with red tape etc, but unfortuantely the political system we live in and its policy based driven agenda means we'll constantly go from one stupid set of rules to another. Luckily the damage done is only temporary. We'll be living with Thatchers follies for hundreds of years, when Blair and Brown will be little more than words in history books.

Quote: Rob B @ February 18, 2008, 1:10 PM

Was the Falklands a success? Latest figues showed more British Soldiers died in tha Falklands than Iraq.

And don't mistake this as an act of patriotism or defiance, Aaron. She was going to lose her election and she needed something big to stop that from happening. That was all the Falklands was - especially when you think of all the enormous and valuable terratories the empire surrendered yet we were so keen to hold on to this tiny set of useless islands.

She was also off her tits most of her time in office which explains her policies

Boo-yeah! Back of the net! Shove your loadsa money up your arse!

Quote: ian_w @ February 18, 2008, 1:28 PM

And don't mistake this as an act of patriotism or defiance, Aaron. She was going to lose her election and she needed something big to stop that from happening. That was all the Falklands was - especially when you think of all the enormous and valuable terratories the empire surrendered yet we were so keen to hold on to this tiny set of useless islands.

Yeah she almost certainly would have lost an election if not for the Falklands. Michael Foot as PM would have been something else though:) And you're moaning about Brown :)

Now that's a scary thought.

No politician is completely good or bad but I can never ever forgive Thatcher for closing the mines. The last deep mine in South Wales has just closed. Tower Colliery has been producing coal and turning a good profit ever since Thatcher's henshman tried to close it as it was not economical. She put thousands out of work for political gain. That is a damning epitaph and may she burn very slowly in hell!

Grrr, bloody miners!

On the other hand she stopped free milk and like Aaron I hated it so see, only 99.999999% horrible hag. Nicely balances the argument I think.

But without her style of government, we wouldn't have had the pure, unadulterated freaking genius of Yes Minister, Yes, Prime Minister, and The New Statesman, would we?

Quote: Aaron @ February 18, 2008, 2:53 PM

But without her style of government, we wouldn't have had the pure, unadulterated freaking genius of Yes Minister, Yes, Prime Minister, and The New Statesman, would we?

I'll give you the fact that some great comedy emerged from the 80's. Whereas today satire is pretty rubbish fare. However without her we'd of had no Ben Elton, which surely would have been a good thing.

I can't recall why every comedian hates Ben Elton. Something to do with Alexi Sayle isn't it?

No, we would have had Yes Comrade, Yes Comrade Brezchnevski and The Old Politburo Statesperson, member 127658 workplace designation 3. I think a much better option.

Quote: Rob B @ February 18, 2008, 3:04 PM

I'll give you the fact that some great comedy emerged from the 80's. Whereas today satire is pretty rubbish fare. However without her we'd of had no Ben Elton, which surely would have been a good thing.

I can't recall why every comedian hates Ben Elton. Something to do with Alexi Sayle isn't it?

Maybe his lack of talent has something to do with it, and total sell-out go-back-on-everything-I-said-and-did-for-about-15-years personality?

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