British Comedy Guide

Sad Life Sketch

Int. Bedroom – Dawn

A man awakes and looks at his bedside clock. He sighs and holds his head in his hands.

Man: (V.O) Every day I awake and realise that my torment must continue. I pray to God every night and beg for an eternal sleep, but he never listens. Twat.

Cut To: The man walking along his landing. He is wearing t-shirt and shorts.

Man: (V.O) “You’re 23 years old!” They tell me. “You should be having the time of your life” they tell me. But what do they know? Twats.

The man reaches a door.

Cut To: The man walking into a bathroom. He turns and looks into a full length mirror on the back of the door.

Man: (V.O) My doctor says that I was born with it and it’s here for life. Somehow, I still harbour some kind of hope that he’s wrong; I check the birthmark every morning.

The man lifts up his t-shirt to reveal a birthmark which reads “DICKHEAD”

Man: (V.O) But he’s right. Twat.

Screen fades to black.


Sorry, this didn't work at all for me... and surely it's just gonna look like he had "Dickhead" as a tattoo?

I don't know. I edited in a 'birthmark' mention into one of the last pieces of dialogue before the reveal.

Nah, didn't work for me either. Just seemed like a lazy joke. Not terribly creative. *Shrugs*

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