British Comedy Guide

Holy Communion

Ah…if only Dave Allen was still around……

A congregation are taking Holy Communion.

The sketch is shot from the perspective of a worshiper receiving communion. E.g. low camera angle looking up at the Rector/Curate. The communion wafer and chalice are lowered towards the ‘viewer’.

NOTE: By ‘LOW & QUICK I mean something similar to the ‘terms and conditions may apply’ tagline added in cheapie ads.

Rector comes into view carrying communion wafers.

Rector: (OFFERS COMMUNION WAFER) Body of Christ (LOW & QUICK) May contain traces of nuts.

Rector moves away; Curate carrying chalice comes into view.

Curate: (OFFERS CHALICE) Blood of Christ (LOW & QUICK) The Church of England is a supporter of responsible drinking

Nice tight little sketch that !

Thought this was very good.

(It's "chalice", though.)

Thanks for feedback..Challis to Chalice corrected...ta.

Nice works well

Very good but less explanations, the camera angle unless needed for the joke to work is more a director's choice and anyway dumping it means we get to the jokes faster.

Cutting all the preamble leaves you with a still completely intelligible gag.
A congregation are taking Holy Communion.

Rector: (OFFERS COMMUNION WAFER) Body of Christ (LOW & QUICK) May contain traces of nuts

Curate: (OFFERS CHALICE) Blood of Christ (LOW & QUICK) The Church of England is a supporter of responsible drinking

Very good!!!

Agree with SlagA about the trimming. Very good though!

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