One in a series of ‘more money than sense’ sketches.
(I know Sam appears to be a redundant character in this sketches but she does figure in the others).
Tarquin and Samantha are stood in a very modern, minimalist lounge. Pippa is out of shot but shouting from the kitchen.
Pippa:(OOS)I’ll be right in, just liberating ‘Mr Perignon’ from the Smeg.
Tarquin: (Raises eyebrows) (LOW) Perignon! Another good month!
Sam smiles knowingly.
Pippa: (OOS)Forgot to say, on the wall, new acquisition. It’s a new Kuretski! Just don’t ask what we paid for it (laughs)
Tarquin and Samantha look at painting on the wall. It’s exactly the same colour as the wall.
Pippa: (OOS) Think it augments the ambience of the room perfectly.
Tarquin pulls frame away slightly from the wall and realises its just a frame; no picture.
Pippa walks in with a tray of champagne.
Pippa: Gorgeous isn’t it. (PAUSE) Just not really sure if that frame works.
All three gazes at the wall. Tarquin and Sam glance at each other and shake their heads.