British Comedy Guide

Pippa #1

One in a series of ‘more money than sense’ sketches.

(I know Sam appears to be a redundant character in this sketches but she does figure in the others).

Tarquin and Samantha are stood in a very modern, minimalist lounge. Pippa is out of shot but shouting from the kitchen.

Pippa:(OOS)I’ll be right in, just liberating ‘Mr Perignon’ from the Smeg.

Tarquin: (Raises eyebrows) (LOW) Perignon! Another good month!

Sam smiles knowingly.

Pippa: (OOS)Forgot to say, on the wall, new acquisition. It’s a new Kuretski! Just don’t ask what we paid for it (laughs)

Tarquin and Samantha look at painting on the wall. It’s exactly the same colour as the wall.

Pippa: (OOS) Think it augments the ambience of the room perfectly.

Tarquin pulls frame away slightly from the wall and realises its just a frame; no picture.

Pippa walks in with a tray of champagne.

Pippa: Gorgeous isn’t it. (PAUSE) Just not really sure if that frame works.

All three gazes at the wall. Tarquin and Sam glance at each other and shake their heads.

Very good, intelligent idea.

I thought it was going to be a bit predictable when I started but it does work. Good one.

I think you should add how much they paid for it.

How odd was about to comment when I got your message...

Any way...

Good sketch... Short and sweet, which how I like them...

I didn't see it coming...


A very good sketch.

I very much liked this too.

Yeah nice idea - not convinced it's quite strong enough to carry a sketch on its own but would make a lovely touch to a sitcom scene or part of a longer "posh knob" sketch.

And I want a Smeg fridge, just so I can say Smeg in front of my wife and get away with it.

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