British Comedy Guide

Test Results Sketch

Int. Doctor's Surgery

A man is sat at a desk opposite a doctor.

Doctor: Well, I've had the results of your tests through. And I'm sorry to say that it would appear you've become one of the undead.

Man: The undead?!

Doctor: Yes. Whilst you can still walk about, you are in fact, as dead as a dodo.

Man: But how could this happen?

Doctor: Have you been in contact with the undead recently?

Man: Well I did spend a weekend in Eastbourne.

Doctor: That's probably where it started.

Man: Hmmm, I did feel a little peaky on the way home.

Doctor: Tell me, when you feel peckish, do you reach for a nice juicy apple? Or your loved one’s innards?

Man: You know, I have found myself wanting to smear my wife's abdomen with mustard.

Doctor: Yes, that's a typical symptom.

Man: Oh Jesus! What am I gonna do?

Doctor: Pull yourself together, man! You're talking as though your life's over. Well, technically it is, but it's not the end of the world.

Man: Yes it is!

Doctor: No, there's plenty of opportunities for the undead: Fast food operative, shelf stacker, daytime TV host.

The man begins to sob.

Doctor: This condition does have one other benefit as well.

Man: What's that?

Doctor: It will cure your impotence.


Very good. I like the punch line and some good little gags in there.

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