British Comedy Guide

How many sketches

How many sketches have you written that you think are good enough for a TV sketch show?

I've just scanned through all the sketches I've done since September - Around 65 and only come up with 10! I honestly thought I'd written more belters than that!

Although, that doesn't include my 'dark' sketches of which I have 5 excellent ones, but I don't know what the hell to do with them.

Yes I follow some of your early darker work and enjoyed it, you should try and write more in that style WL.

At last count I had about 100 sketches (on my computer) but that was about a month ago and I have a lot I haven't typed up, which are in notepads so it could easily be 150+. And I am putting together my own sketch show, I have enough for the pilot that's it :D

All of them cos i'm a modest comedy genius

I've been asking myself the same question, mainly because everything I've written recently has been for the same show and it's shooting at the moment.

I have no idea how many of my sketches are being filmed and the suspense s killing me.

All mine are Oscar winners. They need to go to America.
Me wishes!

I'd say about the same. Ten good ones.

Quote: Winterlight @ February 12, 2008, 9:39 PM

How many sketches have you written that you think are good enough for a TV sketch show?

I've just scanned through all the sketches I've done since September - Around 65 and only come up with 10! I honestly thought I'd written more belters than that!

Read 'em again tomorrow and you'll probably think diffeently.

About 2/3. My sketches are generally too rushed or me just practising with pacing and stuff. My favourite one I wrote is The Ladies Man, which is really dark, but I'd love to film it.

I reckon I've got about six which I'm really happy with. My favourite sketch is the very first one I wrote and was actually performed. I thought I was a comic genius. Then reality came and kicked me firmly in the balls. Bastard! But me also putting together sketch show. It's called Dark Rooms or Sketch Spa or probably something else so I'll soon be rich and famous and leaving all you prols behind. Except for Aaron, he's a white Russian.

Ooh, I like 'Dark Rooms'.

He's got a sketch show called that too.

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