Something that isn't topical or dark for a change!
Ext. Front door of house
Tony knocks at the front door. Steve answers.
Steve: Hello.
Tony: Hi there! I’m Tony McPhee. Here, take my card.
Tony hands Steve a business card. Steve looks at it and it reads “Tony McPhee – Customer”.
Steve: What’s this?
Tony: Now come on, Steve. You’re a salesman and I’m a customer.
Steve: Well, yeah but- Hang on, how d’you know my name?
Tony: Research, my boy. Customer research!
Steve: I still don’t get what you’re doing though.
Tony: It’s simple! I’ve come to try and buy something off you.
Steve: Well, I’m not interested to be honest.
Tony: Don’t be so hasty! Now look, I'm willing to take out a 3 year extended warranty on anything I purchase. And that’s a special promise to you.
Steve: Nah, really, I’m fine. I’ve got plenty of customers as it is. So, y’know, sorry.
Steve slams the front door.