British Comedy Guide

Topical Gags

A selection of topical gags that I've come up with. I'm not too keen on the last two, but I do like the first two.

Jack Straw has confirmed a journalists question of “Are our prisoners being bugged?”. However, he then retracted this claiming that he thought the journalist had said “buggered”.

A government minister has reported that, as a result of immigrants inbreeding, there’s been an increase in birth defects – A statement which has caused rows over the place in British society for Muslims. And the royal family.

Michael Jackson’s children have finally been unveiled in public for the first time. It’s resulted in claims that he is not their biological father. Claims founded by the fact that they do not have the face of Elizabeth Taylor.

Lenny Henry has attacked the ‘white majority’ in Britain’s broadcasting industry. This is absolute nonsense of course. Only the other night, all the colours were represented on Life in Cold Blood. By a chameleon.

Hi Winterlight

Liked the first two 3 not too bad but 4 a bit of a groaner.

The wording of the Jack Straw one could be a bit better so that perhaps it reads more fluently.

Jack Straw has retracted an answer that he gave to a journalist earlier today. Mr Straw said later that when he had answered "absoulutely", he thought the question had been "are UK prisoners being buggered?"

Agree, i like the first but would re-word. maybe....

Jack Straw has retracted the solution given to a journalist suggesting prisoners are being bugged on a daily basis. Soap on a rope was not intended to solve illegal surveillance issues he stated.

Too subtle? I just thing "buggered" in the gag is not credible.

I don't think that the word "buggered" is out of place in the context of a political / satire comedy show.

Think your suggestion is too subtle, ML, and loses the essence of the gag.

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