British Comedy Guide

Not terribly good song

I actually wrote this a week or two ago... pretty obvious one really but I suppose it's OK. Miight bear a redraft.

Branson with your beard made some big bucks
Playin on the stockmarket you're a rich man today
You got a hot air balloon
You big buffoon
Kickin cans of virgin cola all over the town

We will Northern Rock you
We will Northern Rock you

Branson you're a big arse-licker
Telling Gordon Brown you're gonna bail out the bank some day
You got a smile on your face
You big disgrace
But you're about as funny as Chevy Chase.

We will Northern Rock you
We will Northern Rock you

Branson you're a cold man sore man
Your little trip to China's gonna bite ya' in the ass some day

If you win this race
You f**king headcase
You'll knock three points off interest rates.

We will Northern Rock you
We will Northern Rock you

Very good, especially the opening. Although I had trouble with some of the scanning. :D

Yes very good James.

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