BIN LADENHow goes my fiendish plan to destroy London in 2012, by swimming up the Thames, the one placed they won’t be expecting us?
DEPUTYWell great leader, only three problems,
BIN LADENAnd what are they?
DEPUTYWe have no access to the sea, no boats, and none of our mighty warriors can swim.
BIN LADENBig problems, what are we doing?
DEPUTYWe have smuggled a top secret paddling pool. Only £12.99 from Argos, it is 6 foot wide, if our warriors can swim across it 279,345 times, they will have managed the distance to the hated UK.
BIN LADENHow is the training going?
DEPUTYNot well, two warriors turned up in speedos, and the others stoned them to death for being gay, and trying to seduce them. Since then they will only train in Burkhas to resist temptation, we have lost 3 to drowning.
BIN LADENIn a paddling pool, any other problems
DEPUTYIn two years England loses Scotland, and gains a Conservative government, and 10 Aldi nuclear power stations.
BIN LADENWhats point in blowing up a country that going to do it to it’s self.