AJP mentioned that he wanted to see some of my darker stuff, so I accepted the challenge and came up with this one just now.
Int. Coach
Len, the coach driver, is driving a coach load of old people. He is speaking over the microphone.
Len: So, we'll soon be driving through the historic town of Morksley. A town which was home to the infamous serial killer, Ron McDougal.
The camera shows an old woman smiling obliviously.
Len: He murdered 17 women all over the course of 3 years. He got caught, of course (SIGHS). It was before the days of DNA testing, so we can only assume that the man was an ill prepared fool.
The camera shows an old man asleep with his mouth wide open. The focus goes back to Len.
Len: It all started when he was spurned by a woman on his 21st birthday. I know how he felt. Although, with me I was 55 and the woman my 2nd cousin.
Len shakes his head.
Len: I kept telling her, "It's perfectly legal. All you have to do is consent".
Camera shows an old man waking up, looking confused and then falling back to sleep.
Len: Then she started to ask why I'd come round to her house wearing a hairnet and latex gloves. "DNA!" I shouted at her, but molecular biology never was her strong point.
Len begins to get tearful.
Len: I only wanted to make her happy. She deserved it, but she didn't deserve what she got. I know that now; It's time for me to repent.
Len produces a brick from under his seat. He puts it on the accelerator pedal, takes off his seatbelt and pushes the "door open" button. He walks over to the open door.
Len leaps out of the moving vehicle. A thud and carhorn is heard. The coach continues on driverless. Fade to black.