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NewsRevue again! Page 94

I'm down the anyone there?????????

I didn't realise you were down the we;l as my dog Lassie didn't bark at me to tell me. :P

Anyway... week 4:

Richard IIICast
Sugar TaxCast
Africa EUCast
Crystal Maze BenefitsCast
Clare from StepsPeter Taylor
Chris HuhneGary Beard & Cast
Google and Kim Jong UnNeil Tollfree
Austen vs TrollopeRobert Fisher
A day in the life of...Iranian monkeyPeter McGladdery
Queen and PhilipNeil Tollfree & Cast
Merkel 1Cast
Tesco dog bollocksAnna Harding
90s immigration medleyCast
Murdoch page 3Cast
High Speed 2Cast
Life of PiPeter Taylor
Dan Brown's new novelCast
Oh Clare BaldingElizabeth Campbell
Geordie/French FCCast
Oscar PistoriusCast
HorseAnna Harding
A day in the life of...KM's babyCast
Back to the FutureDavid Salisbury
Time WarpCast
Great Comic Bake OffCast
Kevin from CorriePaul Elliman
Zero Dark ThirtyRobert Fisher/Cast
Clegg and Ed dateCast
Merkel 2Cast
Stand by our gunsCast
Famous FiveCast
CowAnna Harding
Fashion WeekCast
Etch a sketchAngie Smith
Blame it on the foxesCast
Clegg and Cameron dateCast & Neil Tollfree
Brian CoxElizabeth Campbell
Hungry caterpillarCast
A day in the life of...the new popeCast
Monolpoly piecesPaul Elliman
Merkel 3Cast
Les Mis medleyDaniel Proctor & Cast

I wondered what John Power was doing these days.

BOOM! Top Britpop joke.

Have Newsrevue been sending out the recent running orders? I can't tell if I'm not on their mailing list or if they've just not sent anything.

Quote: westie98 @ March 8 2013, 7:49 PM GMT

Have Newsrevue been sending out the recent running orders? I can't tell if I'm not on their mailing list or if they've just not sent anything.

The latest ones are the ones Mikey is posting here. If you've not go those ask to be put back on their mailing list. They occasionally lose people from it so worth checking.

Did someone mention me? ;)

Just wondering. Does anybody on BSG apart from me get these running orders?

Speaking of which...

Week 5:

Richard IIICast
Sugar TaxCast
Africa EUCast
Crystal Maze BenefitsCast
Clare from StepsPeter Taylor
Mansion Tax Paul Elliman
Frank Lampard Kid's bookMatt Armitage & Cast
Austen vs TrollopeRobert Fisher
KM & Hilary MantelCast
A day in life of Iranian MonkeyPeter McGladdery
Merkel 1Cast
Queen & PhillipNeil Tollfree & Cast
Brummie bombersCast
90s immigration medleyCast
High Speed 2Cast
Life of PiPeter Taylor
A day in life of Taylor Swift & Harry StylesCast
Oh Clare BaldingElizabeth Campbell
North Korea Nuclear WeaponsCast
HorseAnna Harding
Clegg and Ed dateCast
Back to the FutureDavid Salisbury
Time WarpCast
Bird's eye meat ballsCast
Brangelina wineCast
Zero Dark ThirtyRobert Fisher/Cast
Merkel 2Cast
Oscar PistoriusCast
Blame it on the foxesCast
A day in the life of KM's foetusCast
Clegg and Cameron dateNeil Tollfree & Cast
Kevin from CorriePaul Elliman
Murdoch page 3Cast
CowAnna Harding
Fashion weekCast
Brian CoxElizabeth Campbell
Hungry CaterpillarCast
A day in life of the new PopeCast
Famous FiveCast
Cameron women cabinetCast
Merkel 3Cast
Les Mis medleyDaniel Proctor & Cast

Week 6:

The Circle of Political lifeCast
Sugar TaxCast
Africa EUCast
Crystal Maze BenefitsCast
Clare from StepsPeter Taylor
Mansion Tax Paul Elliman
Frank Lampard Kid's bookMatt Armitage & Cast
Austen vs TrollopeRobert Fisher
A day in life of Iranian MonkeyPeter McGladdery
Merkel 1Cast
90s immigration medleyCast
High Speed 2Cast
Life of PiPeter Taylor
HorseAnna Harding
Oh Clare BaldingElizabeth Campbell
Murray HotelCast
Clegg and Ed dateCast
Brangelina wineCast
BallooningRobert Fisher
Murdoch page 3Cast
A day in life of the new PopeCast
First flight to MarsCast
Back to the FutureDavid Salisbury
Time WarpCast
Merkel 2Cast
Zero Dark ThirtyRobert Fisher/Cast
Triple A credit ratingAnna Harding
Oscar PistoriusCast
Catholic Church oh so quietCast
A day in the life of KM's foetusCast
Clegg and Cameron dateNeil Tollfree & Cast
CowAnna Harding
Kevin from CorriePaul Elliman
Brian CoxElizabeth Campbell
Hungry CaterpillarCast
Famous FiveCast
Cameron women cabinetCast
Merkel 3Cast
Les Mis medleyDaniel Proctor & Cast

And week 1 of the new run:

Mr Red TopElizabeth Campbell
Sex Pest ForecastNeil Tolfree & Cast
Sweeny VOJoe Morrow & Cast
Jeremy KyleRachael Born
Beiber 1 Cast
Beckham - Over in FranceCast
Jessie J VOAngie Smith
Pope Factor Gok WanAshley Jones
Wonga.comChris Hay
Clare BaldingElizabeth Campbell
Lincoln - shoppingCast
Sweeny JudgeJohn kelly and Cast
Telepathic RatsCast
Beckham - Be Our GuestCast
Creepy Nerd Kate VOJohn McGlade
50 Shades of MayRose Robinson
David and Nick - Gay MarriageCast
Dr L and ClariceCast
Lincoln - karokeCast
Ate Me MaybeDan Mullins
Lampard and TerryPrevious Cast
Justin Bieber 2Cast
Pope Factor - TulisaAshley Jones
BorisDan Mullins
VO David Cameron/One DirectionJohn McGlade
Something StupidSimon Levenson
Queen NoroCast
David and Nick - EastleighAnnie Biddlecombe
Teen Petrol CrisisThomas Smith
Pope Factor - Rick and SteveDan Mullins and Ashley Jones
Lincoln - ToiletDan Mullins
Beckham - Whole New WorldJohn McGlade
VO - GazzaPrevious Cast
Brad and AngelinaPrevious Cast
Mummy?Ashley Jones
Defying CameronCast
Lord RennardCast
Beckham - Oui means yes.Cast
Lincoln - tennisDan Mullins
Russian Interprative DanceCast
Justin Bieber 3Rose Robinson & Cast
Cardinal Keith Mash upcast
Natwest V/OAnnie Biddlecombe

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ March 9 2013, 4:04 PM GMT

Just wondering. Does anybody on BSG apart from me get these running orders?

I generally do though seem to occasionally get missed off.

I get the running order okay. Do people think the rise in cast material is because people are focusing on Newsjack and not sending material to NR?

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ February 11 2013, 5:19 PM GMT

Message from NewRevue cast and director:

Once again thank you so much for the stuff you've sent in and please keep them coming. From the running order you can see that we've been doing a fair amount of writing ourselves, but that doesn't mean we don't want your scripts! The slight problem we've been having is that we get sent loads of scripts all on the same issue and none on some others which means we're always having to choose just one of the many and desperately improvising mad stuff to fill the gaps we don't have! We'd much rather let you chaps do the hard work so do send us stuff from a range of stories and subjects, even if you don't think the joke is quite perfect, we can always get back to you and work together to develop a piece.

Don't know if that's still the case or Newsjack.

That's from the previous run, the current one is a bit less cast-heavy.

week 2...

Mr Red TopElizabeth Campbell
Sex Pest ForecastNeil Tolfree & Cast
Jessie J VOJohn McGlade
Wonga.comChris Hay
Don't Cry For Me ArgentinaRose Robinson
Lincoln ShoppingCast
Come Dine With Me - Nick CleggCast
Train 1Cast
Divorce Lawyer VOEleanor Green
Pope Factor Gok WanCast
Clare BaldingElizabeth Campbell
Train 2Cast
Jeremy KyleRachael Born
50 Shades of MayRose Robinson
David and Nick Gay MarriageRose Robinson
Blue Peter V/OEleanor Green
Something StupidSimon Levenson and Cast
Queen NoroJoe Morrow and Cast
David and Nick - EastleighAnnie Biddlecomb
Australian Cricket TeamCast
SnowflakesRachael Born
Brewery V/OEleanor Green
Pope Factor - TulisaAshley Jones
Teen Petrol CrisisThomas Smith
BorisDaniel Mullins
Lincoln KaraokeCast
Ate Me MaybeRose Robinson
Lord RennardCast
Mummy?Previous Cast
Batman V/OAngie Smith
Come Dine With Me - Chris HuhneCast
Beckham - Whole New WorldDaniel Mullins
Dog Letter to Harvey NicholsDaniel Mullins
Lincoln - toiletCast
Russian Interprative DanceAnnie Biddlecombe / Daniel Mullins
Christopher Maloney V/OAshley Jones
Nuclear Drop OutLuke Coldham
Pope Factor - Ricky and SteveAshley Jones and Daniel Mullins
Ryan Air AdvertAlice Gregg
Civil Service StrikeNeil Tolfree & Cast
Defying CameronAshley Jones
Bieber Vet VisitNeil Tolfree & Cast
Cardinal Keith MashupRose Robinson

Week 3:

Mr Red TopElizabeth Campbell
Pope InstallationJoe Morrow and Cast
Sex Pest ForecastNeil Tolfree & Cast
Boy Trapped in Pizza Shop V/OJack Gogerty
Beer TaxCast
Pope MashupRose Robinson
Lincoln ShoppingCast
Come Dine With Me - Nick CleggCast
Train 1Cast
Barbados V/OCast
Hugh GrantCast
Clare BaldingElizabeth Campbell
Train 2Cast
Jeremy KyleRachael Born
50 Shades of MayRose Robinson
Come To CyprusCast
George Osbourne MovingCast
Consumer V/OSimon Levenson and Cast
I Just Can't Wait For Number 10Dan Mullins
Gay and Straight BinsJoe Morrow and Cast
Australian Cricket TeamCast
Queen NoroCast
SnowflakesRachael Born
Something StupidSimon Levenson
Justin Timberlake V/OThomas Smith
Teen Petrol CrisisThomas Smith
Lincoln KaraokeCast
Rio FerdinandCast
Mummy?Previous Cast
Teacher V/ORachael Born
Come Dine With Me Chris HuhneCast
Don't Cry For Me ArgentinaRose Robinson
Lincoln 3Cast
Russian Interprative DanceAnnie Biddlecombe and Cast
Christopher Maloney V/OAshley Jones
Nuclear Drop OutLuke Coldham
Missing PersonsNeil Tolfree & Cast
Beiber VetNeil Tolfree & Cast
Defying CameronAshley Jones
Google GlassesRachael Born
Cardinal KeithRose Robinson and Cast

Week 4

Hannah JossMD: Patrick Rufey
Ashley Jones, Rose Robinson, Dan Mullins, Rachael Born

Mr Red TopElizabeth Campbell
Pope InstallationJoe Morrow and Cast
Sex Pest ForecastNeil Tolfree & Cast
David Miliband V/OAlice Gregg
Beer TaxCast
Wonga.comChris Hay
Pope MashupRose Robinson
Homes Under The Hammer 1Dan Mullins
Come Dine With Me - Nick CleggCast
Train 1Cast
BBC StrikeMichael Monkhouse
Hugh GrantCast
Clare BaldingElizabeth Campbell
Train 2Cast
Jeremy Kyle; Spring and WinterRachael Born
Homes Under The Hammer 2Dan Mullins
50 Shades of MayRose Robinson
Bolshoi Ballet VOAngie Smith
Miliband in New York New YorkCast
Joss StoneRob Fisher
Doctor's cyber attackJohn Hamilton
Boris InterviewAshley Jones
Gay and Straight BinsJoe Morrow and Cast
Queen NoroCast
Jack The RipperCast
I Just Can't Wait For Number 10Dan Mullins
Pot NoodleJohn McGlade
Teen Petrol CrisisThomas Smith
Rio FerdinandCast
Mummy?Previous Cast
Alistair Darling VOJohn McGlade
Don't Cry For Me ArgentinaRose Robinson
Homes Under The Hammer 3Dan Mullins
Nurse TrainingCast
Come Dine With Me - Chris HuhneCast
BerezovskyJohn McGlade
Nuclear Drop OutLuke Coldham
Missing PersonsNeil Tolfree & Cast
Ryan AirAlice Gregg
Defying CameronAshley Jones
Civil Service StrikeNeil Tolfree & Cast
Beiber VisitNeil Tolfree & Cast
Abba MashupCast


Hannah JossMD: Patrick Rufey
Ashley Jones, Rose Robinson, Dan Mullins, Rachael Born

Mr Red TopElizabeth Campbell
Pope InstallationJoe morrow and Cast
MOTDDan Mullins and Ashley Jones
Pistorious VOJohn Random
Beer TaxCast
Wonga.comChris Hay
Pope MashupRose Robinson
Homes Under The Hammer 1Dan Mullins
Hugh GrantCast
Train 1Cast
Christopher Maloney VOAshley Jones
Ann Widdecombe Stand UpJohn Hamilton
Clare BaldingElizabeth Campbell
Train 2Cast
50 Shades of MayRose Robinson
Miliband in New York New YorkCast
Joss StoneRob Fisher
Boris InterviewAshley Jones
Pope HR InductionJohn Hamilton
Jack The RipperAshley Jones
I Just Can't Wait For Number 10Dan Mullins
BBC Class Calculator VOJohn McGlade
Ian Duncan Smith AppealNatalie Neagle
Rio FerdinandCast
Mummy?Previous Cast
Beyonce VOJessica Forteskew
I Will Do Anything For GoveSimon Levenson
Nurse TrainingCast
Ryan AirAlice Gregg
Graham OvendenDerek Thompson
Nuclear Drop OutLuke Coldham
Abu and TheresaJohn Random
NHS 111 LineMikey Jackson/Neil Tolfree/Cast
ShakespeareGreg Simpson
Lance ArmstrongRob Fisher
Billy Bob and the banned substancesCast
Spare Room Tax Alice Gregg
Bieber VisitNeil Tolfree
Lucozade V/OJohn Hamilton

I've just started submitting to Newsrevue and haven't received a running order (judging by these pages I don't appear to be alone in this). Does anyone out there have the running order for week 6?

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