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NewsRevue again! Page 44

Yeah - that was fun, knocking ideas about. Good to meet everyone. :)

I'd love to get there, but at the bottom of a very deep Welsh valley.

Ooh, perhaps a roadshow?!

*throws in rope ladder*

Hey, just noticed.... I put my "Treason" post earlier on in this Newsrevue thread lol! Laughing out loud

That's how you break the internet.

That's how you break the internet.

Yeah, I could've caused a timespace continuum influx, but luckily I reversed the polarity of the neutron flow. :P

Still no running order from last week. on't think I'd have anything in, but I'm sure others are curious.


Ha! My fave film :)

Run Number:Run 75Date:21/05/2009
Week Number:6
Director:Ben Willens
MD:Ross Wall
Cast:James Kermack, Lucyelle Cliff, Helen Kennedy, Adam Buchannan
1SnoutsMartin malcolm1MP's expense accounts Lulu style
2Gurka's meet halfwayDavid Salisbury1Government will compromise with the Gurkas
3Gordons Secret ListNeil Bakewell1Gordon shows off his confidential papers
4Cillit BangJames Kermack1Barry Scott get the bullet
5Sugar SugarS hutchings h cooke1The Apprentices suck up to Sir Alan with a song
6Agadoo MusicalG Phillips, S Cooper1Ben Eltons newest musical ripoff
7Obama KidsRobin Bailes1Madonna shows an interest in the little Obama's
8Madonna MedleyJ Witt / F Peters1Madonna want's that African baby, combination of 2 Madonna submissions
9Swine FlueRobin Bailes1Daily Mail Editor tries to re-brand Swine Flu
10Boy George Shower V/OGriff Phillips1Jack Tweed seeks counciling in prison
11Cruel Cruel WorldJames witt/James Kermack1Jordon & Peter seek marriage counciling
12Tom Hanks BangJames Kermack1Running Bang gag moves on to Hanks
13Workin' 3-5James Kermack1MP's have such a hard life
14Dole QueueJoel Soetendorp1Mp's moan about their new allowance
15PopularRobin Bailes1David Cameron gives Gordon some advice
16Helmund HarryMartin malcolm1The MOD's secret wepon for Afganistan
17Life is a RosaryTom Johnstone1The Pope sings about his views on contraception
18BNP AmbienceJames Kermack1Infomercial for the BNP's new chill out CD
19Australian Drill Doctor V/OGordon Robertson1Australian Doctor saves life of barman
20Asbo TeensJames witt1Kids Today
21Michael Martin BangJames Kermack1Martin gets the Bang treatment
22The Internet is for PornJames Kermack1Jacqui Smith & husband appologise
234 YorkiesNoel Christopher1Python 4 Yorkshiremen sketch in reverse
24Fun, Fun, FunMichael Hudd1Police have fun at the G20 riots
25BNP Gains PopularityDavid Salisbury1Mordy & Mandy discuss the alure of the BNP
26Bacon & EggsRick Allden1Chicken & Pig plot armageddon
27Quatitive easing SongTom Johnstone1Gordon Brown & Darling get sexy
28Steven HawkingRobbie Dale1Doctors attempt to save Steven Hawking
29Le Miserables Credit Crunch MedleyJames witt1Le Miserables Credit Crunch Medley


1Muppets.Andrew Emerson1Welcome song
2Obama KidsRobin Bailes1Madonna shows an interest in the little Obama'sObama Kids
3Steven HawkingRobbie Dale1Doctors attempt to save Steven Hawking
4Alfie PattenKevin Cooke1DNA testing results
5NewcastleNoel Christopher1Alan Shearer becomes priminister
6Michael Martin InterviewG Phillips, S Cooper1Interview for new speaker
7kids/elections/expensesJonathan Kelly1Expenses thinking election
8Millionaire parliamentDavid Cowan1MP winning expenses
9KoreaTerry Newman1Maria tribute song about H Bomb
10Coffee ShopMikey Jackson1Coffee girl serving
11Boris JohnsonKevin Cooke1About Boris being knocked off bike
12Mad AdoptionMichael Monkhouse1African babies
13Grannies Racky Plews1Queing at bank
14ALW on kneesIndia Rekusen1Andrew Llyod Webber being sucked off
15Id do AnythingKevin Cooke1Liza Minelli auditioning for reality TV show
16Facebook StreetMikey Jackson1Soap opera
17Johnathan RossKevin Cooke1Radio show being edited
18Stephen Hawking Noel Christopher & Simon Lipkin1Stephen Hawking on Charlotte Church show
19Grannies Racky Plews1Grannies at bus stop sneezing
20Susan BoyleKevin Cooke1Susan Boyle being a virgin
21Hitler Energy BillMikey Jackson1Hitler complaining about the rise of gas
22Ab FabMikey Jackson1Patsy saving Gurhkas nor Burhkas
23Michael JacksonKevin Cooke1MJ cancelling tourto do with health
24Steal ItMikey Jackson1Hoodies cheifing things
25Chav HolocaustMikey Jackson1MP's discussing chavs and smug grannies
26Boy George Shower V/OGriff Phillips1Jack Tweed seeks counciling in prison
27Piggy & KermitKevin Cooke1Miss Piggy having swine flu
28PopularRobin Bailes1David Cameron making Gordon Brown popular
29NewsRevue round upSimon Lipkin1Series of shit jokes
30ChicagoJames Kermack1Mp expenses medley

Bloody Hell Mikey - cracking stuff

Blimey! :O

Mind you, I have developed a bit of a repoire with this run's director. Nice lass. :)

That one's really funny, cos of the five sketches in the middle: four written by Mikey Jackson, and the one not written by Mikey Jackson, is called Michael Jackson!



They'll be renaming it The JacksonRevue soon.

Well done Mikey.

Wow Mikey - that's fantastic. What a comeback. You'll have to teach us those flirting techniques.


And well done to everyone else in this run.


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