British Comedy Guide

NewsRevue again! Page 23

And Venezualan atomic bombers, Russia aiming missiles at US missiles in Poland, and US starting a new Vietnam with Nuclear Pakistan.

Sounds like Bush trying to destroy world before he leaves power. Boy won't share his toys.

Schools badly short of headteachers? Sounds like Glitter, Darling and Musharrif all have new jobs.

Come on Cameron hires her as an adviser, and uses her to headbutt Brown in the bollocks. That sketch writes it's self.

Power sharing with Mugabe? How about an odd couple sketch?

Robert why is the fridge full of the corpses of your enemies? And wears all the milk?


Quote: Graham Bandage @ September 15 2008, 12:15 AM BST

Stop it!

You know the worst thing is I won't ask for a co-credit or anything.

I'll just smile knowingly like Kevin Federline, you need my Britnay Spears.

Mu ha ha!

Think I might go and read the paper, before flooding the thread with sketch ideas.

Mu ha ha!

Another news story is Barack Obama raising a record breaking 66 million dollars in fundraising.
I wrote a sketch about it and sent it off, but I'm not holding my breath as it's total pantsy shite.

I've never received a Brailsford edit sheet. :(

And never got the NewsRevue running order this week. :(

I got a personal email once from Mark, asking that I gag-up a song I submitted to Treason, but nothing else.

ah, right.
Thing is, don't wanna hassle him with emails.

I asked Canal Cafe about the NR running order on Friday, and didn't get it in the end. Seems like it was only sootyj who received it. :P

Yeah, probably.
I'll send them an email.

That's odd about not receiving Running Orders. I haven't written for NewsRevue for about 4 years but I still get one (nearly) every week!

NewsRevue just sent me the running order, and an apology for not receiving it. Nice of them.

In contrast, I had a telling off from Treason, saying I should be more patient and that running order is sent out at end of run.
Er.... The end of Treason's run this month was Saturday 13th September.
They aren't doing any more shows this month, so, thus, end of run.

Do Treason always have such a short run?

It's quite recent, the Komedia is a fixed setting.

They often have other gigs 2-4 in the same month.

Quote: sootyj @ September 15 2008, 12:14 AM BST

Ooh missed that one Griff!
16 Euro tunnel fire and airlines cloisng all over Europe.

Got a little obsessed with telling that story in song at the weekend.

There's got to be a bunch on Lehmann Bros. The irony of securities firms going bust. Or Lehmann Bros aka Mario Bros - turning to plumbing to make a living, following a trail of coins in the street, etc. Or Layman bros - in a jobcentre trying to explain in layman's terms what exactly their skills are and what their last job entailed (k, that one sounds pretty poor).

One for Sooty - Jade Goody says she's going to keep her illness a secret from her children (how, exactly, given it's all over the media?).

One for Graham - Cliff Richard has a song at no. 3 - use your Cliff song!

And finally, Dennis the Menace's gay-bashing was banned. (Metro, today)

Quote: Mikey J @ September 15 2008, 12:57 AM BST

I've never received a Brailsford edit sheet. :(

And never got the NewsRevue running order this week. :(

I got a personal email once from Mark, asking that I gag-up a song I submitted to Treason, but nothing else.

In the one month since I signed up, I didn't get an edit sheet from Mark, thoguh did once get a personal reply with good feedback about a song (though don't think it made the final cut).

Never got a running order or edit/request sheet from NR.

Ticks more boxes than a census-taker angling for a promotion.

Quote: Griff @ September 16 2008, 1:16 PM BST

Now if this story doesn't tempt Sooty out of purdah I don't know what will:

Seems like grounds for a great religious feud.

And of course the horrid, tragic death of poor Farfour.

Is it me or are the cheques a little late?

Quote: sootyj @ September 18 2008, 2:21 PM BST

Is it me or are the cheques a little late?

I've no idea. When do they normally send them?

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