Not sure this is totally original as I vaguely remember a cartoon from way back with a similar theme ... but I'll post it anyway ...
Customer: You stock light bulbs?
Shopkeeper: Stock what?
Customer: Light bulbs.
Shopkeeper: What Watts?
Customer: What?
Shopkeeper: Sixty or one hundred Watts.
Customer: What’s the difference?
Shopkeeper: Forty, that’s what.
Customer: Forty what?
Shopkeeper: Watts.
Customer: I’ll take those.
Shopkeeper: What Watts?
Customer: Forty Watts.
Shopkeeper: We don’t have those.
Customer: What?
Shopkeeper: We’re out of stock of forty Watt.
Customer: What Watts have you got?
Shopkeeper: Sixty or one hundred.
Customer: One of each.
Shopkeeper: Bayonet or screw fit?
Customer: Yes.
Shopkeeper: Which?
Customer: What?
Shopkeeper: To fit what?
Customer: A torch.
Shopkeeper: Forty Watt’s wrong fit.
Customer: What fits it then?
Shopkeeper: Nothing we got fits.
Customer: OK, I’ll try the bike shop.
Shopkeeper: Bike shop’s shut.
Customer: Shop shut! Shit! Now what?
… and so it continues!!!