I was toying around with the idea of writing a topical idea, but it's quite hard for me! I've come up with the following so far. It's about Gordon Brown and to the tune of My Sweet Lord:
In fact I got so embarrassed of this that I had to delete it!
I was toying around with the idea of writing a topical idea, but it's quite hard for me! I've come up with the following so far. It's about Gordon Brown and to the tune of My Sweet Lord:
In fact I got so embarrassed of this that I had to delete it!
You should really add some other references to Gordon, rather then just his name. It's an okay attempt at writing, but I'm guessing you want more then that.
I know pretty much bugger all about politics. So what I tend to do is some research on my target, in this case Gordon Brown and find major references and build around them.
Just use Wiki or something and find key words which relate back to Mr. Brown. His surname surely is a goldmine of punnery.
Yes, you're quite right Leevil. There isn't much in here apart from a pun on his name. I'll give it a think!
Gordon Brown, texture like sun...