Monday 28th January 2008 2:40am
Royal Berkshire
69,997 posts
And according to the blurb they wrote (very funny it is too) for the back of the box set, they didn't actually want to extend it beyond The Offer, but "Captain" Tom Sloan, then the Head of Light Entertainment, insisted:
"Having had all our reasons for not doing a series dismissed by Captain Tom we said that if Harry and Willy, two very distinguised straight actors, wished to demean themselves by doing a mere comedy series for the hoi-polloi then we would do it. They bit his hand off. How little did we know about actors. That by the simple act of being in a light entertainment show they would earn ten times that of a drama engagement."
And bloody spooky (ish) that this thread popped up today, as I've been watching S&S myself (series three to be precise). It really is amazingly crafted stuff, and Harold's immortal "dirty old man" put downs never fail to crack me up. All hail Galton and Simpson!
As for pain, I don't think that Richard Bucket had it particularly easy. Also, a bit diluted, but Rodney's continued holding back by Del is kind of similar.