British Comedy Guide

Who do you fancy? Page 873

Quote: lofthouse @ November 11 2012, 8:10 PM GMT

I am so so sorry!

I never used to be like this before I registered on this site

I thought it would all be innocent debates about George and mildred etc

It's a cess pit of filth and debauchery

It's a comedy web-site. As mentioned there are plenty of other sites where you can make derogatory comments, so take the filth elsewhere.

We all enjoy looking at attractive people, and it can be fun to share but you guys have stepped over the mark recently.

Have a word!

Stop besmirching my future wife!

Quote: AngieBaby @ November 11 2012, 7:37 PM GMT

Was there really any need to go to this level of detail? Surely there are other websites you could express opinions as degrading as this on, besides the British *comedy* guide.

Not big, not clever, and insulting to women. #disappointed.

Please, allow me to retort.

I was in no way disrespectful to the female actress in the advertisement and made myself the butt of the joke. I projected the stereotypical male reaction to the advertisement as a way of showing the conflicting nature of the media with regards to sexualising young people.

Was my use of language graphic? Personally, I think not. I do pride myself on painting pictures with words and using turns of phrase that attract attention. And I know for a fact that I can write stuff far more degrading then my last couple of posts.

But once again, I have said naughty things about someone 'off da telly'. I shall try and restrict my views in future to the socially acceptable topic of grave desecration and corpse mutilation of dead paedophiles.

Quote: AngieBaby @ November 11 2012, 7:37 PM GMT

Surely there are other websites you could express opinions as degrading as this on, besides the British *comedy* guide.

While it's obviously terrible that people are offended, I'm not sure why you highlight the fact that this is a comedy site; I'd have thought that's an argument against self-censorship in attempting humour. Surely here, rather than anywhere else, it's in everyone's interest to try to be tolerant of that which personally offends? Otherwise, we risk losing the very thing we're here for; comedy.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 11 2012, 11:35 PM GMT


Was my use of language graphic? Personally, I think not.

I have no problem with what you put, but it was obviously quite graphic!

I doubt she was fed up because you said it about some actress, that's you projecting. Some people just get tired of reading a blokes graphic, aggressive sexual language, even if meant in a satirical manner.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 12 2012, 9:04 AM GMT

I have no problem with what you put, but it was obviously quite graphic!

I doubt she was fed up because you said it about some actress, that's you projecting. Some people just get tired of reading a blokes graphic, aggressive sexual language, even if meant in a satirical manner.


Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 12 2012, 9:04 AM GMT

Some people just get tired of reading a blokes graphic, aggressive sexual language, even if meant in a satirical manner.

Many people like hearing it if it comes from Russel Howard.

Quote: Nogget @ November 12 2012, 7:18 AM GMT

Surely here, rather than anywhere else

That is certainly true. If I'd gone to the Nuts or Maxim forum and posted 'Cor, did you see that bird in the Kingsmill advert?', I would have been inundated with fairly unironic responses from the comedically challenged.

Is it more or less offensive to write a graphic jokey sexual reference then to post up endless pictures of half naked people?

More offensive. And would you learn the difference between 'then' and 'than', for crying out loud!

Quote: zooo @ November 11 2012, 7:44 PM GMT

There's been a lot of gross TMI stuff on here recently.

It's probably directly proportional to the amount of 'nagging' we get from the more PC / female members of the site. It's like a red rag to a bull.

Quote: Harridan @ November 12 2012, 10:49 AM GMT

More offensive. And would you learn the difference between 'then' and 'than', for crying out loud!

Sorry about the then / than, it has always eluded me.

Why is a highly sexualised picture less offensive then the written word? Is it just because we've grown up with these highly graphic depictions and are therefore 'immune' to their effects?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 12 2012, 10:53 AM GMT

It's probably directly proportional to the amount of 'nagging' we get from the more PC / female members of the site. It's like a red rag to a bull.

Sorry about the then / than, it has always eluded me.

Why is a highly sexualised picture less offensive then the written word? Is it just because we've grown up with these highly graphic depictions and are therefore 'immune' to their effects?

If most of the women on the site find what you say unpleasant/demeaning/offensive/degrading perhaps that's what your posts are? But you know that already.

I am dismayed by the constant stream of over-sexualised images of women, but posting a photo that a woman willingly posed for is quite different from making sexually aggressive comments about her. Nobody is suggesting that you can't think those things, but posting them online on forums like this is probably going a bit far. You could use your discretion to decide whether what you want to say is more important than people's desire not to read it.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 12 2012, 10:53 AM GMT

It's probably directly proportional to the amount of 'nagging' we get from the more PC / female members of the site. It's like a red rag to a bull.

It's really not. There's been no mention of it by a woman until yesterday.

I'm not just talking about aggressive sexual language, there's a couple of people I won't name (cos I can't actually remember who!) who've just been constantly talking lately in great detail about shit, piss, spunk, et, etc. It's just not needed. I feel like I'm in a playground listening to 8 year old boys.

(And that's never a good idea.)

Quote: zooo @ November 12 2012, 11:11 AM GMT


I'm not just talking about aggressive sexual language, there's a couple of people I won't name (cos I can't actually remember who!) who've just been constantly talking lately in great detail about shit, piss, spunk, et, etc. It's just not needed. I feel like I'm in a playground listening to 8 year old boys.

(And that's never a good idea.)

Agree, and the sad thing is they are not being ironic...unlike set the place ablazes RC.

Quote: Harridan @ November 12 2012, 11:00 AM GMT

If most of the women on the site find what you say unpleasant/demeaning/offensive/degrading perhaps that's what your posts are? But you know that already.

Most of the women on the site have had a penis in their mouth at one time, it doesn't mean I write them all off as disgusting perverts.

And just because some people use the word 'scrummy' instead of 'phwoar', doesn't excuse them from having sexual thoughts and expressing them on the BCG.

Whenever someone brilliantly hilarious like Charley presents a graphic description, the double standards kick in and all this genteel ladyfolk nonsense goes out the window.

You can't intellectualise biological impulses and to try and do so is a pointless exercise in puritanical censorship. Plus, just moaning about my posts all the time is boring. If women want to 'put me in my place', then they should come up with some funny stuff and show my argument in a bad light.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get my petticoats ready for tea on the lawn with my female friends from the village. I do hope that nice Mr. D'arcy falls into some water, I nearly saw his knob last time.

Quote: zooo @ November 12 2012, 11:11 AM GMT

It's really not. There's been no mention of it by a woman until yesterday.

Memories run short around here, I've had run ins with quite a few female members of the BCG over my jokes.

Yes, that's exactly what I said - we women want to live in a puritan environment, how dare you even suggest that we know what sex is. Rolling eyes

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