Anyone? :/
Who do you fancy? Page 208
I quite fancy Gabby Logan. Not only is she fit, but she loves sport - the pefect combination.
They definitely have similar faces, yes.
Quote: Aaron @ August 22 2008, 12:50 AM BSTWhoah, whoah, woooooah. I may be a bit slow on the uptake here, but Tina Fey and Lucy Porter could be sisters:
Ridiculous. Yes, Lucy's nice, but she's no Tina.
Nice round postcount there, zoooship.
Seeing as we are contemplating the return of Red Dwarf, got to love Chloe Annett

Original Kochanski's better.

Mmm, lovely Clare Grogan.
Quote: Graham Bandage @ August 27 2008, 9:59 AM BSTOriginal Kochanski's better.
Mmm, lovely Clare Grogan.
No way. Chloe Arnett's definitely gets my vote in the "Who's The Hottest Kochanski?" stakes.
Got some more...
Dave Grohl...

The boys from Soulwax....

And my first ever crush, Morton Harket.

Dave Grohl - Nice!
Morton Harket - !
Quote: JuliaC @ August 27 2008, 3:04 PM BSTDave Grohl - Nice!
Isn't Dave Grohl too tall to be fanciable? He's dangerously close to freak height.
Nah - you know what they say...
He's only 6ft, hardly abnormal (he hopes at 6ft 1in)
Quote: JuliaC @ August 27 2008, 4:09 PM BSTNah - you know what they say...
Quote: Nil Putters @ August 27 2008, 4:11 PM BSTHe's only 6ft, hardly abnormal (he hopes at 6ft 1in)
Well, hello
Quote: Nil Putters @ August 27 2008, 4:11 PM BSTHe's only 6ft, hardly abnormal (he hopes at 6ft 1in)
I'm 6ft and I'm sure Grohl is taller than me. Or maybe all the members of Nirvana and Foo Fighters were midgets and just made him look like a giant.