Bernard Cribbins
Who do you fancy? Page 1,068
Quote: zooo @ 8th December 2013, 8:55 PM GMTHe looks Australian. Who is he?
He looks a bit Tim Minchin there.
Quote: lofthouse @ 8th December 2013, 10:42 PM GMTBernard Cribbins

How does one 'look' Australian?
Boomerang tucked in belt?
bronzed, muscled, and covered in flies.
I suspect in this circumstance he just subconsciously reminded me of Tim Minchin, who is Australian.
Quote: Harridan @ 8th December 2013, 8:54 PM GMTCan all the boys start wearing eyeliner, please?
Ferrets are optional.
We don't see enough of him (and I'm not (just) talking bodywise ) a very watchable actor.
Quote: Shandonbelle @ 9th December 2013, 8:42 PM GMTWe don't see enough of him (and I'm not (just) talking bodywise
) a very watchable actor.
I can help with that...
Wow, hot stuff
Knowing me, I have probably missed loads of his films so will have a check on Lovefilm and update my order list.
Was he in that mathsy one with... someone else famous.
Russell Crowe?
Can it be? He doesn't seem mathsy.
A Beautiful Mind with Russell Crowe
Beautiful Mind...with the Crowe
Lol, thanks!
Russell Crowe now just seems like a big butch bastard. It's weird that he did films before Gladiator.
He did Beautiful Mind after I think, he's done a few non butch ones, the guy even sang in Les Mis for God's sake!
True, true.
Plus he writes lovely poetry...!