Steven the Hampster or Steven the singer? What are the Wombats are they new? not like the Robots in Diguise are they?
That's you that is Page 2
I like Robots in Disguise no, the Wombats are new but a lot more indie! and Steven is the Hamster

See that? That's you, that is.
Aarons back!!! quick put the chairs back under the table....oh wait
You know that old scaby woman, who hangs outside supermarkets. The one with the scraggly hair & piss stain on her filthy skirt. The one that mumbles to herself & shouts out "F**k" every now then.
Well thats your mother that is.

Incidentally, Ambrose was once arrested for being drunk and disorderly on Lincoln High Bridge. We have something in common then.
Is that a ghost sitting next to your Grandad?
Or did he look for "Blur" in his women?
See that big capital letter?
Thats U that is
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ January 26, 2008, 2:24 PMThe Wombats-Moving to New York
was the bit when he talks to his hamster, Steven!
You know that woman in a club. The one in the short sexy outfit. The pissed one. The one that flirts with all the guy's & spends a long time with her head in a loo bowl puking.The one that rarely goes out, so really lets her hair down, when she does.
Well thats your bird that is.
You know that bedraggled mess with the "2 for £5" sign on the side of the street, the kebab stains on her mimsy and the locals call her "Wizard's Sleeve"?
That's Charley, that is.
True, true.
Quote: Tuumble @ January 26, 2008, 1:55 PMYou know that mouldy food on the floor behind the fridge that's got cobwebs and mouse poo on it?
That's your Sunday lunch that is.
It is true that mouldy food can be found behind my fridge, and incidentally there is poo on it. However a mouse isn't the culprit.
But now my diarrhea has finally gone, in future I should manage to make it on time to the location where civilised human beings defecate... the garden.
You know when you go to the loo in someone else's house & there is no loo roll. Well you know you use their net's to wipe your dirty arse. Well thats my f**king house you dirty bastards!