People who think Im fishing for compliments, when really I actually do think I look awful!
Things I just don't "get". Page 6
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ January 25, 2008, 7:06 PMPeople who think Im fishing for compliments, when really I actually do think I look awful!
Yes - we know but don't believe anyone could be that naturally ugly.
Don't worry Robyn, I'm uglier.
I don't get English Period Dramas.
If we are talking medieval dramas then yes I do usually like them. But Victorian and up *snoooze*. ESPECIALLY those straight to TV ones. BLA! My father on the other hand loves them..but I really do think it's your beautiful countryside that he is actually watching it for.
Gone with the Wind. It's not because I'm young and don't get old films. I do, I love old films. Love them, but Gone with the Wind is just quite... dull.
Never saw it. I love older films but I have yet to watch GWtW. Perhaps because I hate musicals as movies. I like it on stage but as a film it is one thing I JUST DO NOT GET. I actually get mad when I see them winning awards then stop look around the room and realize I'm booing a TV and no one else is around.
agree. Any adults who like Star Wars too much, have more then 1 piece of merchandising or watch it more then twice a year. Sad.
I love Star Wars as long as you don't count the 'prequels'. For my own sanity I usually pretend they were never made. I'm also one of those folks who think they were some of the best films ever made and usually do end up watching at least one of the films every year. I also own a plush Yoda (only one item I guess i'm safe) P.S. Han Shot First!
Lord of the Rings
I read all the books plus the Hobbit and bits of the The Silmarillion and I am still not the biggest fan. I appreciate their contribution to Fiction but I could never re read them. I also understand why people would love the books, I am just not one of them.
Johnny Depp
I like Depp's work. I don't see anything wooden about it. Although I have to say I hated the last two Pirate movies. I thought they were garbage.
Reading for pleasure. Ever since I was young, I hated reading books. I still do, nothing has changed. I find it immensely boring.
I feel bad for you Honestly.
I love their function, I could care less about anything else about them.
People who think Im fishing for compliments, when really I actually do think I look awful!
Noted, although I'm sure you are lovely.
I love fishing! You would too if you lived near northern Ontario lakes it's the most calming experience of your life...well for me at least
Well that was fun.
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ January 25, 2008, 7:40 PM
Take no notice Robyn. Dave posts without thinking, or at least that's what his sketches suggest
The entire 'accident waiting to happen' thread...
Quote: Curt @ January 25, 2008, 8:32 PMNever saw it. I love older films but I have yet to watch GWtW. Perhaps because I hate musicals as movies. I like it on stage but as a film it is one thing I JUST DO NOT GET.
It's not a musical, it's just a three hour long (around that number, I think)... American period drama
Quote: Curt @ January 25, 2008, 8:32 PMI love fishing! You would too if you lived near northern Ontario lakes it's the most calming experience of your life...well for me at least
To me, it's just trying to trick really dumb animals, where you usually don't catch them and when you do, you just let them go again to live their lives and give them a minor convenience, so basically it's being outwitted by a fish. It degrades mankind.
Quote: Leevil @ January 25, 2008, 7:17 PMSTD's.
Really? Surely not! Surely the clinic have found new ones thanks to you by now. Don't deny your achievements!
I'm sure you are just lovely SBF!
Mankind needs no help my friend, certainly not from a fish.
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ January 25, 2008, 7:06 PMPeople who think Im fishing for compliments, when really I actually do think I look awful!
When i'm really drunk and just bought a kebab I go fishing for condiments