The cat seems to think my fingers are delicious food.
Cats!!!!! Page 186
A naked Elan next to a fully clothed one.
There doesn't seem to be a "caRs" topic, so this one is only one letter different
That's car porn!
cats wage war on mice with weapons of mass destruction
Quote: billwill @ 1st July 2015, 2:08 PM BST
A naked Elan next to a fully clothed one.There doesn't seem to be a "caRs" topic, so this one is only one letter different
Bill Will shame on you, this isn't Readers Robot Wives.
I hope you're not taking her dogging.
Why have Channel 5 gone so cat crazy lately? I was watching a splendid programme yesterday.
My two are fascinated by their new mouse/cheese battery operated toy.
Yesterday, Wilco released a surprise new album and it's free for 30 days. It's really, really good.
Aww, so true.