British Comedy Guide

All You Need Is Love

All You Need Is Love.

Male Student.
Oi, fat arse.

Female Student.
Shut up you prick.

Male Student
My local boozer’s having a fat arse competition this weekend.

Female Student.
Go away you rude twat.

Male Student
But you’ll win it easy with that thing. It’s like a dingy.

Female student.
If you don’t shut the f**k up I’ll call a copper.

Male Student
You could go white water rafting on it.

Female Student
How many times, piss off, go put some ointment on your acne. You’re drunk.

Male Student
Course I’m drunk, wouldn’t talk to you otherwise, you’re a 10 pinter you ugly bint.
I’ll be sober in the morning, you’ll still have a big arse.

Female Student.
Take your flaky face and go and march with someone else.

Leader Of Peace March Over Loudhailer.
Thank-you for your support. What do we want?

Crowd Sing
All you need is love, love, love is all we need.

:O there are a lot of women with fat arses Jerf .. you could be in trouble if they get together..

The ending didn't quite work for me Jerf. There is a bit too much similar dialogue between the two students on the build up and the ending needs sorting out a bit. Not sure exactly what .. see what others think! Might be me, it often is! What I know is more or less scribble on the back of a fag packet! :)

I liked the way it ended at a peace march.I think tthat needs to be more prominent though. Would have been edgier if you got the guy to shoot her. Guns & Peace marches are great. It needs a little something In my humble opinion.Maybe more retaliation from the woman. Like her blowing him up or something. Mmmmmm! Bombs & peace marches. Woooooo!!

This is more my kind of thing. I see the ending as just the camera pulling back to reveal the peace placards. You don't need the guy with the loud hailer. [I would also change song to 'All we are saying, is give peace a chance'] they pick their's up and they start the song. Liked the dialogue to. very bitter. Your best so far in my opinion Jerf.

The juxtaposition doesn't work for me. If its a Peace march it should be a fight the guy is trying to start or if you keep the same dialogue then it should be a feminist march.

I like the turn, Jerf, but I think the posters before me have the right idea. Have the two of them facing off for a fight until they're interrupted by the guy on the megaphone announcing the start of the march. Then have them raise their peace placards. Bam, you got yourself a sketch!

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