British Comedy Guide

Banned WKD adverts!

Check out these banned adverts I "stumbled" across:


That's surely just an average night out in Newcastle?

Moved to critique.

Hi, Stuart,
I'm assuming that you weren't involved in the making of these? I'd hate to have missed something if you were!
Very good, anyway.

Marion... if I did have some part in the making of these that would imply I had engaged in copyright infringement. So it couldn't have been me. The same with the Scarface/Goodfellas phone calls.

LOL Stu, just LOL.

VG. Thought the first one was particularly funny.

Nicely done, Stuart Laws.

And because Stuart had 'nothing' to do with them, they were moved from the General forum to their proper nesting grounds, in Crit.

First was the best for me. The second was just disturbing. Disturbing that you knew that clip even existed. Laughing out loud

That second clip is sooooo very wrong!

Trust me, I've seen the vault of these banned adverts and it gets more wrong. And then less wrong. And then a lot more wrong. I've no idea what WKD were thinking.

For example:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Superbly well made, btw. The only problem with this series is that it's becoming very 'catchphrase' in style. It works with the first one or two but the effect wears off on the viewer very quickly, imo. I think that's why most people seems to prefer the first in each of the batches.

Your immense talents are better directed at exploring new areas rather than an over concentration of your energy in one particular parody or gag. :)

The American History X one was amazing. I think it is "Catchphrase" comedy at it's best, because as soon as I knew what the clip was for American History X I started laughing.

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