British Comedy Guide

Blog Tired

What up, peep holes?

I noticed a few members have used the board to pimp their blog, so I thought I'd add mine to the pile...

Yes, it it MySpace, but please don't let that put you off. One day I'll move it onto blogger or somewhere, but the prospect of moving a year's worth of posts isn't an applealing one right now.

Best whooshes,


Quote: David Bussell @ January 14, 2008, 4:05 PM

What up, peep holes?

Nothing much.

Hey Bussell, can I critique your main website?( I promise it will be constructive.

Quote: Eat_My_Shirts @ January 14, 2008, 5:46 PM

Nothing much.

Hey Bussell, can I critique your main website?( I promise it will be constructive.

Of course, I would welcome it.


When I first clicked on your website, I thought it belonged to a small-time rock musician from midwest America or something. The image you have as your banner doesn’t exactly ooze comedy. It’s too slick. It automatically turns me off because I don’t want a “comedy performer” to look cool. I want them to be peculiar and unattractive. That’s all part of the charm, for me. Although others may not agree, and I can appreciate this might be your personal website and not just a comedy one.

Having said that, I think that had you superimposed yourself onto another background, instead of the MOTEL one, it would have been better. I would have replaced the MOTEL sign, with one of these:


Also, have you considered changing your surname? Bussell is ok, but it sounds a bit poncy. I think BRUSSELL or BUSHELL sounds better. Or even spelling it; BUSTLE. Think about it.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to critique your website. Wave

Thanks for the feedback. You have a point about the homepage image. Maybe I'll go back and photoshop a giant wang on it or something.

As to my name, I'm going to stick with Bussell I think. 'Nobody hustles the Bushell" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Keep cranking out the laffs.


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