British Comedy Guide

Another snippet..Pantomuse

This is another part of the panto. Clio has asked about the art of dancing and for a report. The muses have not been to earth for a hundred years, they have lazed about drinking nectar and so the arts have gone down the nick. Clio is worried about Zeus who has asked for the reports.

(Gasps) You mean they don’t perform these anymore?

That’s about it pal.

Oh glory be to the gods. Zeus will slay me, I say slay me. Oh why me, why me? Why did I get lumbered with such malingering, malfunctioning, maladjusted, maverickian muses.
Pass me the nectar! All I want is a frigging report. Is that too much to ask? You do your friggin’ best, you give your friggin’ time and for what? All I want is a friggin’ report. Just a friggin report, a friggin’ friggin’ report, who’s bothered about the friggin’ arts anyway. More nectar! Where’s my therapist?

I were only kiddin’

What! You enjoy winding me up…hm…hm…hm? Right, that’s you out of the Olivier awards luvvy.

Are you on your menopause or somethin’?
(Others gasp)

Get out!!........ (all muses exit in single file)…….Come back!......(all return in single file)…..No! frig off!.......(muses exit)…..Come back! ….(muses return)…….I’m sorry, it’s just the wrong time of the celestial month that’s all.

Do you want to discuss?

I’ll be fine, I’ve taken a couple of bee pollen tablets and coupled with this nectar and a good night’s sleep, I’ll be back to normal. Please carry on. What do they call the dances they perform?

Black Bottom, rock and roll, twist, stomp, line, fossie..

Stop, enough. Demonstrate for me one of …these dances.
(Terps performs a vigorous jazz dance routine the other muses are her back up team. This would last about two minutes)

Yes Bushbaby. You have something here.

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