This is a radio style sketch that I may be using in a project. It is very foul, so be careful if you're delicate! As I said, its an Audio only sketch.
Interviewer: Welcome to Golden Years. The programme which celebrates the lives of the elderly. This week, our guest, is Mr Arthur Powell. Good evening Mr Powell.
Arthur: Good evening, my boy.
Interviewer: Now, Mr Powell, you are exactly how old?
Arthur: 102 years old?
Interviewer: Wowee! That deserves a round of applause.
Interviewer: 102 years old that's quite amazing. In that time, you must have been through a lot.
Arthur: A lot? A lot of what? C**t?
Interviewer: Ha ha ha! Lovely sense of humour there! Now, You're 102 years old, but I believe your memory is still exceptionally sharp.
Arthur: Yes, it is. For example, I can still recall the first girl that I ever...that I ever....
Interviewer: Kissed?
Arthur: No.
Interviewer: F**ked?
Arthur: No. Fingered.
Interviewer: Amazing. Can you recall anything else?
Arthur: Yes, I caught a yeast infection off the bitch. (BEAT) Mind you, she did dance a mean Charleston.
Interviewer: Well there we have it - Mr Arthur Powell. What an amazing life he has lived. It's just a shame that he keeps pissing himself.
Arthur: (WEAKLY) Help me.