What’s the weirdest/funniest warning you’ve had on you computer?
I had one two days ago warning me of a serious treat? And asked if I wanted to debug.
Debug a treat? Never.
Weird warnings
My fave has to be a blank box that popped up one time with just a button below it that said 'OK?' on it.
I just got one saying 'Warning, Simon Stratton has got rid of the avatar with the fit boy on it.'
Yer I noticed that and was quite upset...I clicked cancel a couple of times but it wouldn't come back!
Is that a spray can in his hand?
You guys only loved me for my avatar. I thought I'd horrify you with one of me instead. I thought I'd emailed zooo and ellie with his number? He's still single. Ah well.
Quote: Simon Stratton @ January 9, 2008, 10:56 PMYou guys only loved me for my avatar.
So very fickle!
Anyway - won't be speaking to YOU any more!
Oh that's you is it?
In that case, I am highly sexually aroused.
Hmmm. Not a pretty sight. Don't do it again.
Yes Sir!
Oh I do like a bossy gentleman.
Oops, it's happened again.
This thread needs a weird warning
Warning! This thread gets Weird about 8 posts down
Anything that comes in through email & says
Impossible to not!
I'm not weird, I'm special.
Quote: Charley @ January 10, 2008, 12:09 AMAnything that comes in through email & says
Impossible to not!
Too easy
Quote: zooo @ January 10, 2008, 12:12 AMI'm not weird, I'm special.
Special people can be weird. I don't mean in an Idiots kind of way either
Not on computer but heres a mobile phone warning.With predictive text on our phone 'quiche' comes up as 'suicide'.