British Comedy Guide
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This forum has been remarkably free of the disease that other Internet forums usually contract and die from ... vicious comments, backbiting, name-calling, rudeness, flaming, bullying, etc.

To preserve this site as a place of sanity on the web:

Please keep remarks impersonal and calm. Please show the respect to other users that you've all shown in the past, to your credit.

Please don't swear at an user, although swearing not aimed at users is up to your discretion.

Please remember that writing is a vague form of communication. What is clear to you may not be clear to other readers, therefore be as unambiguous as possible in your posts; and if you're responding to a post where the meaning seems unclear, ask before you counter-argument.

If it's a humorous jibe or a joke that may be misunderstood, help your readers with a smiley. Please note: putting a smiley after a personal attack will not save your ass when the 'ban' stick gets wielded.

Respect, debate, encourage, network ... please.

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