British Comedy Guide

Video conferencing Page 2

Obviously after three hours of therapy I feel ready to comment. Good ho what? Camera idea good also. Nice one!

Quote: Rob B @ January 5, 2008, 12:00 PM

Can I also say you bare a passing resemblance to a young Malcolm Hardee the sadly departed king of "knob out gags"

Are you saying I look like this?!


That's f**king harsh.

Thanks for the positive comments btw.

Very good indeed James, that was the last thing i expected Laughing out loud

Quote: James Williams @ January 5, 2008, 11:22 PM

Are you saying I look like this?!


That's f**king harsh.

Thanks for the positive comments btw.

Well I had met him a few times during the eighties when he was younger. And you must admit if that video is anything to go by, like him you're not affraid to get your genitals out.

Oh yeah he also used to go out with Jo Brand, so he couldn't be that bad looking :)

Pretty good. Like Quentin's web cam suggestion. Your performance was good, the material was good and the punch line was cheeky.

And I thought Robin Ince, not Darren Lamb.

Yeah! Very good sketch. Liked the setting, performance and the punchline. I'd have trimmed the lines fractionally to get to the punchline slightly quicker but that's not a criticism.

You look a bit like John Lennon in his prime so that is cool by me!

A very worthy and worthwhile effort mate!

Frankie xxx

Very good. The lady's acting was poor but that didn't really affect the quality of the sketch. Well done James.

You know when you do one of those snorty, gurgling, unexpected laughs? I did one of those! Very good Laughing out loud

Liked it a lot. Good male performance, Quentin's POV twist is a good angle to consider. Like Frankie, I'd cut the opening and start with the girl, walking in and interupting. There was a lot of needless explanation about 3 days a week in the office etc when all he had to say was that he was video-conferencing, that he's at home is implicit in the setting - delaying the great punchline. But saying that, 5 stars and it was well-made despite your protestations otherwise.


I liked it, especially the hasty about face at the end.

Definitely agree with the comment about delivering the dialogue into the camera.

SlagA is spot on about trimming the dialogue. There's some rambling you can do without.

I'd think about leaving out the cliche of the piece too - there's nowt more hoary than the Japanese business man sketch!

Cheers guys.
I quite liked a bit of build-up to the joke but when I've got the new camera I'll try and film it differently. It was pretty much just off the cuff really - and it really is such a bitch to work with DVD-cams.

One thing noone mentioned which is *really* pissing me off is all the 'umming' I do in the sketch, which I eliminated in a subsequent run-through, only to lose the take somewhere in the bowels of the computer.

I quite like the Japanese businessman malarkey - I thought "Mr Tamagotchi" was quite nicely silly and quite 'knowing' of the cliché... but maybe it is a bit lazy. Just a silly sketch though. I want to film more but I'm not prepared to spend hours trying to upload it again. Might post a similar sketch script I've got for suggestions.

Oh, and BTW the initial idea was to have a webcam POV, but the angles didn't quite work and it was a faff to set up. Maybe I could think a way round it at a later date.

Yes very good I liked the ending too and it took me by surprise. I particularly like the very last bit when he realises that the webcam is still on.

Good one

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