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Doctor Who... Page 788

Quote: Godot Taxis @ September 18 2011, 9:20 AM BST

more predictable than a Matt Stott review

Or a Godot review??

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ September 18 2011, 10:55 AM BST

Another reason to hate Walliams.

I was surprised how good he was in the episode. I'd read that he puts in a performance straight out of the more over the top sketches from Little Britain, but he was actually pretty decent; and his character, though funny, was quite vile. Loved the little speach of the Doctor's when he put him in his place.

True. He should stick to acting in rubber masks and avoid personal appearances on panel shows.

Yeh Walliams was ace.

And a rather clever idea for a villain.

Loved his outfit.

Loved his outfit.

Walliams was offputting in this episode for me to be honest, him and his lines both seamed to be begging for laughs rather than them coming naturally, I imagine we will get much the same from Corden next week aswell. Two marmite comidians in doctor who one after another, I wonder if its going to be a regular feture?

Anyone think there is any significance in the rubix cubes the doctor keeps finding, I can only think of two episodes now but it might be more.
It could be a writing device in that he was unable to solve the rubix cube the first time it appeard but he was able to solve it in this episode (showing that alot of time had passed in the episode allowing him to complete it)

Think there's a bit of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff on going. Three things:
1. The colour of the bow tie. We know from the previous series (jacket on/jacket off in the Weeping Angels stuff) that is wasn't a massive continuity error. Red. Blue. Red. Blue.
2. The shoes/boots.
3. The Rubik's cube. He specifically said he couldn't do them. And last night he could.
Real doctor and Ganger doctor travelling in separate timelines?
Oh, and in Room 11 - himself.

Did not realise it was Walliams until I saw the credits. He was good. The biggest problem with this episode was the heart-tugging to Murray Gold's music, which kills the pacing of the episode and frankly gets on the tits. Even the f**king minotaur gets to terminate interminably.

Murray flipping Gold

I have to struggle to hear the dilogue through it

Quote: sootyj @ September 18 2011, 9:48 AM BST

The last 3 episodes have been aces.

They've taken Who back to the golden age of Saphire and Steel

Laughing out loud

Quote: sootyj @ September 18 2011, 9:48 AM BST

This is clever writing, clever on a Joss Whedon level.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Teary

What you laffing at Pmeister?

Have you seen Firefly?

Yes it was extremely good.

It was!

Another thumbs up from me.
And yet another terrific performance by Smith.

I wonder if his constantly making mistakes is evidence he isn't who we think he is....

I know you're all dying to know my verdict on the first four episodes of the new series (by the way, it is a new series, whether they bill it as one or not: there's been a big break, and it's come back. That's what happens when one series ends and a new one starts).

Episode 1: Dire beyond belief. Actually, not beyond belief, given the depths Who has sunk to under Moff, but still pretty unbelievable. Possibly the first - and hopefully last - plotless episode of Who, it owes its existence solely down to the need to tie up the ridiculous loose ends Moff has created, and unfortunately it didn't even do that satisfactorily. -5 out of 10. It would have been -6 but I did enjoy the idea of them saving Hitler.

Episode 2: Bloody hell, it's an episode of Dr Who! Welcome back! Easily Gattis's best episode. Got a bit schmaltzy but the kid wasn't annoying and it was self-contained (thank goodness), without any headache-inducing "where are we now in the story arc" moments. Borrowed heavily from Fear Her - and you might ask why you would want to borrow from one of the worst episodes of New Who's golden era - but it was pretty good overall and felt like the story had room to breathe. 7/10

Episode 3: Best of this or the previous short series. I don't get why people start knocking Karen Gillan on this episode when it's her best acting performance by a mile - I thought she was pretty good by most standards. This was good sci-fi with interesting dilemmas. Notwithstanding that, it didn't always make sense and it wasn't a patch on the best episodes of New Who's golden era. 8/10

Episode 4: Poor, but sadly that feels like a bonus sometimes. The atmosphere was good at times, the director tried hard, but the script and plot weren't there. Did most of it make sense? Not really. Even the key moment, where Amy has to lose faith in the Doctor, doesn't work. Surely she'd realise that he is being smart-alecky and therefore warrants even more faith? It was also annoyingly preachy (most Muslims aren't terrorists? really?) and cliched (an Asian doctor's biggest fear is her Dad saying she isn't studying hard enough). And Walliams phoned in his performance from the make-up room. 4/10 (it gets a bonus point for being the third self-contained non story-arc episode in a row, but loses one for gratuitous use of the weeping angels, whose every additional appearance cheapens the greatness of Blink by approximately 8%).

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