British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 762

Just rewatched 'Dalek' for the first time in years. Excellent stuff. Nice contained story which didn't drag or leave you wanting more. I think the ending manages to stay the right side of soppy too.

Perhaps, but what about Dalek Sec with the chicken for a head? Stupid!

Quote: Charlie Boy @ June 11 2011, 9:05 AM BST

Perhaps, but what about Dalek Sec with the chicken for a head? Stupid!

Don't watch the show then, watch something you actually like instead.

That's my top tip of the day.

Quote: Charlie Boy @ June 11 2011, 9:05 AM BST

Perhaps, but what about Dalek Sec with the chicken for a head? Stupid!

But that wasn't in the episode "Dalek" that Ben was referring to.

Of course, a lot of the new series has gone 'over me 'ead' but I must say I have watched all the episodes and enjoyed what bits of it I could understand.. the credits, the Dr Who theme music, etc.

Some bits of the stories too! Well, maybe not.. Anyway, he's a good doctor that Matt Smith and I have also watched some of the older episodes that you can now get on the BBC iPlayer with the older doctors, e.g. Tom Baker, etc. Good, stuff Dr Who.

I thought River Song being the child of her and whatishisface was a bit naff, tbh. In fact, I thought the entire River Song thing is/was naff. But hey ho, I suppose I could write the next series myself and show them how it should be done..

New Series:


River Song: Actually, I was just joking..

River Song then turns around and promptly drops down dead.

The Doctor: She's dead, no point trying to regurgitate her!

etc. etc. <more to follow!>

Hurrah welcome back Frankie!

To the kindest [and probably most talented(?)] person on BCG:

Thank you Marc P! :)

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 9 2011, 2:38 PM BST

You know, what's funny is we were all glad when Moffat took over from RTD - even me.

Back then I cautioned that he had penned Time Crash (the awful Davison/Tennant thing), which was even worse than Dimensions In Time, although I simultaneously lauded him for having written what I consider one of greatest Who serials, The Curse of Fatal Death.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 9 2011, 2:38 PM BST

Incidentally, a Lesbian Silurian wielding a samurai sword and living in Victorian London is the reason I don't read comics. Please don't bring this shit into Who.

I read comics by Carl Barks and Lee Falk but have never managed to get into mango or superhero stuff. Although do have a box of filthy Japanese comics, such as The Bondage Fairies, which was a gift from a friend who did not want his kid to find such stuff. The comics in the old Doctor Who annuals were generally crap - usually badly drawn.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 9 2011, 2:38 PM BST

But everything else was wrong - really wrong...

D'accord. I have given up watching Matt Smith Who, as I find it unbearably crap. I used to think McCoy was rubbish too, but have in the past year or two watched most of his serials and don't find them too bad (but still can't bear Bonnie Langford). Perhaps time (and hopefully a new producer) will be kind to Matt Smith too.

Just started watching Blink again.

That bit in the Intro with the messages from the Doctor behind the wallpaper telling Sally to duck is a bit lame but who actually throws that stone at her head it is supposed to be the Angel outside?

I'm writing a comic about a Radio 1 DJ whose also a hitman for the Yakuza.

Crying Fluff freeman

Cuts you in 3, not half!

I shall keep repeating that joke till some one laughs at it.

Quote: sootyj @ June 16 2011, 12:53 PM BST

I'm writing a comic about a Radio 1 DJ whose also a hitman for the Yakuza.

Crying Fluff freeman

Cuts you in 3, not half!

I shall keep repeating that joke till some one laughs at it.

There you go had to read it twice!

Just been rewatching the first series of the reboot. Dalek and Fathers Day are great episodes, up there with the best of New Who. The Empty Child is interesting because it was Moffat who introduced Captain Jack, who is essentially River Song.

The other thing that struck me was the anti-fatty streak throughout the series. RTD really did seem to have it in for the overweight.

Quote: Frankie Rage @ June 15 2011, 6:07 PM BST

The Doctor: She's dead, no point trying to regurgitate her!

Maybe I'm being picky, but the Doctor would know it was resuscitate...

Quote: Tim Azure @ June 16 2011, 7:09 PM BST

Maybe I'm being picky, but the Doctor would know it was resuscitate...

That's OK pick away.

The Doctor would allow you to.

After the regurgitate line, the Doctor would then say:

The Doctor: Also, you're not pregnant whatsherface, let's cut out all that shenanananigans and go forward in time to a distant planet FAR AWAY FROM EARTH and do something Dr Who'y - tally-ho!

Quote: chipolata @ June 16 2011, 6:40 PM BST

Just been rewatching the first series of the reboot. Dalek and Fathers Day are great episodes, up there with the best of New Who.

I agree but think you can comfortably delete the word "New". Funnily enough, neither writer has been invited to write an episode under Moff, yet they have unblemished copyboooks in the New Who era. Dalek remains the best Dalek story (NB one Dalek really IS better than thousands, RTD), and Father's Day and the Human Nature/Family of Blood two-parter are among the best stories ever. Why isn't Moff getting stories from these guys?

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