British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 734

Well Moffat might f**k off of his own accord shortly, if he gets the breakthrough in America he's after. Otherwise the BBC will be lobbing the spider his way for sure - or at least threatening it.

It's been asked before, but let's try it again:

What gives Dr Who its enduring appeal?

Quote: Nogget @ May 24 2011, 8:29 PM BST

It's been asked before, but let's try it again:

What gives Dr Who its enduring appeal?


The one on the left.

Quote: Nogget @ May 24 2011, 8:29 PM BST

It's been asked before, but let's try it again: What gives Dr Who its enduring appeal?

It's a show that can literally go anywhere and do anything.

It helps being able to replace its cast too.

It's just a great idea for a TV show, that has the possibility to be many different things in many different places/times/worlds from week to week. And when, after a few years, people might start to get tired of the show, it can completely change it's cast, and/or showrunner, and approach things anew again.

Most shows have a set lifespan, really, they can't just drag on forever; where as this one can reach its and come back the next year feeling fresh and exciting again.

And I would love to see one of Verity L's stars write a WHO as I mentioned before - David Renwick!

I'd love to see that too. :)

Hey, just imagine the roar of laughter from the audience when the Doctor opens the TARDIS door and a mattress falls out. :P

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ May 24 2011, 10:24 PM BST

I'd love to see that too. :)

Hey, just imagine the roar of laughter from the audience when the Doctor opens the TARDIS door and a mattress falls out. :P

Oh Mikey. Sighs.

Quote: Nil Putters @ May 24 2011, 9:14 PM BST

It helps being able to replace its cast too.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Quote: Gavin @ May 24 2011, 8:42 PM BST

The one on the left.

It's funny, but it's wrong. Amy is dispensible, like any companion, but the Doctor never is, and you lot* are going to have to sit up and notice some day soon that despite some ropey scripts (which they've all had) Matt Smith is the best Doctor ever.

* I acknowledge there are some notable exceptions who already know this.

On Radio 4extra this week, after the 6pm broadcast of Dr Who, there's a series of discussions about The Daleks, with intellectual history researcher Dr Robin Bunce.

It's showing me pages 735-737 at the bottom of the page but when I click them it says

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Quote: Nil Putters @ May 25 2011, 8:41 AM BST

It's showing me pages 735-737 at the bottom of the page but when I click them it says


Same here

Does that make us BCGBFF now then? ;)

It's like the normal parameters of time and space have somehow been distorted.

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