British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 727

Buffy was less about individual episodes and more about arcs.

But ok, Graduation, Yoko Factor were also ace.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 22 2011, 9:14 PM BST

Many people do mention it, yeah. Many also mention Midnight, or Human Nature, or The Empty Child. The point I was making more was that Buffy had over twenty episodes every series, but that was the only one people tended to mention when pointing out a standout.

I could mention loads of great episodes, but I don't know the titles so it'd be all The One Where Faith Kills A Man etc.

I think the only perfect scifi show I can think of would be The Prisoner.

One of the things that saddens me about New Who is that it never surprises me. Everything plays out as I expect, and the rug is never pulled from under me in the way great drama should be able to.

Quote: Griff @ May 22 2011, 9:20 PM BST

However given the utter rubbish we've seen for resolution of story arcs in the past (i.e. Bad Wolf) you'll understand why people are skeptical.

I refuse to even recognise Bad Wold as a proper arc! :D
We haven't seen Moffat's full arc complete yet, as a lot of it was left open ended at the end of last year. I'm hopefull, considering a lot of his other work, that this will end better than the Torchwood one. In which they say the word Torchwood every now and again and then Torchwood turn up in the last story.

Obviously it may end up shit of course.

The follow up episode where Dawn trys to raise her from the dead and learns dead means dead. And how little magic can do.

Knocks every idiotic "back from the dead" Who plot into a cocked hat.

Till they topped it with the one where Buffy returned from death and realised she hated her life.

Quote: sootyj @ May 22 2011, 9:24 PM BST

The follow up episode where Dawn trys to raise her from the dead and learns dead means dead. And how little magic can do.

Knocks every idiotic "back from the dead" Who plot into a cocked hat.

When the Master came 'back from the dead', as Jacobi pulled out the pocket watch; that was a pretty thrilling moment.

He wasn't dead.

Smarty knickers.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 22 2011, 9:28 PM BST

When the Master came 'back from the dead', as Jacobi pulled out the pocket watch; that was a pretty thrilling moment.

Yes, that was good. But there haven't been nearly enough of those moments.

That was an amazing actor with some great lines in what was other wise a daffy episode.

All that Shem, To nonsense.

Quote: Griff @ May 22 2011, 9:31 PM BST

John Simm is a good actor but Jacobi would have been SUCH a better Master.

It was the choice between that and In the Night Garden.

he obviously prefers thematic coherent scifi, with strong characters and plot,

Quote: Griff @ May 22 2011, 9:34 PM BST

Oh there was an anagram wasn't there. Anagrams are always bollocks as plot points.

Was there? I forgot.

I do think people are extra hard on Who on here! I realise it's because they want it to be brilliant each and every week, but the sheer amount of negative posts from some seems to outweigh its actual deficiencies a lot of the time. Obviously it's not as good sometimes as it could or should be, but I think it's still generally one of the most enjoyable narrative shows on telly.

Quote: Griff @ May 22 2011, 9:31 PM BST

That was a good moment...

... followed by John Simm turning into a girl / President Obama / and his head spinning round cartoon-style before turning the Doctor into a goblin and putting him in a birdcage while dancing to The Scissor Sisters.

John Simm is a good actor but Jacobi would have been SUCH a better Master.

I too would have loved more Jacobi; the way you could see his eyes change as he remembered who he was was spine tingling stuff.

John Simm was rather good, till the scripts turned to shite

Quote: sootyj @ May 22 2011, 9:35 PM BST

Was there? I forgot.

I think the Face Of Boe told Doc You Are Not Alone. Jacobi's name was YANA. Yes, that was pants and obviously reverse engineered.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 22 2011, 9:37 PM BST

I do think people are extra hard on Who on here! I realise it's because they want it to be brilliant each and every week, but the sheer amount of negative posts from some seems to outweigh its actual deficiencies a lot of the time. Obviously it's not as good sometimes as it could or should be, but I think it's still generally one of the most enjoyable narrative shows on telly.

Make Who better and we won't have to complain.

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