British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 663

Maybe she is the older one Chip.

Quote: chipolata @ April 26 2011, 12:18 PM BST

Why MUST she hang out with this younger doctor, though? Why not just carry on having adventures with the older one?

I suppose he just keeps leaving; and the next time he turns up, it might be an earlier version who doesn't know her as well, but River's just happy to be around him again at all.

DOesn't he keep signaling her to join him though?

Quote: Marc P @ April 26 2011, 12:21 PM BST

DOesn't he keep signaling her to join him though?

The older one, who 'died', did this time; the other times we've seen her, she signalled for him to come. Such as the Angels two parter last year, he saw a message scraped into a ships black box in a museum.

Quote: Marc P @ April 26 2011, 12:19 PM BST

Maybe she is the older one Chip.

How old is she? Is she just a normal human with a six score year and ten life expectancy?

Quote: chipolata @ April 26 2011, 12:24 PM BST

How old is she? Is she just a normal human with a six score year and ten life expectancy?

I'm not sure if they've ever stated whether she's human or not.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 26 2011, 10:33 AM BST

No he wasn't. Moffat is widely quoted as saying Smith was the second or third person he saw for the role, that he didn't want a young actor, but from the moment Smith came in he knew he'd found his Doctor.

Smith was, however, passed over by Moffat for the role of Watson opposite Cumberpatch.

I just heard that Smith is the first actor to be nominated for a Bafta for playing the role. Is that right? Tennant was up for so many awards I think I assumed he'd won one for it!

Looks like Who broke viewing figure records for BBC America.

This looks like a question of which source you believe. Second or third person he saw. Possibly Cumberbatch was one of those. However, I've read an interview with Cumberbatch where he said he'd talked to Tennant about the role and, on the basis of his advice, turned it down.

In answer to the other question. No, Tennant's never had a Bafta nomination for Who. Might have had for other things. I also remember hearing RTD lamenting on a DVD commentary/interview with Radio Wales/somesuch that it was such a shame that David had never been nominated for the role.

Quote: KLRiley @ April 26 2011, 12:25 PM BST

This looks like a question of which source you believe. Second or third person he saw. Possibly Cumberbatch was one of those. However, I've read an interview with Cumberbatch where he said he'd talked to Tennant about the role and, on the basis of his advice, turned it down.

Possibly, though I think it might have been more that he decided not to even go for it, as opposed to it getting to the point of him being offered the role. *Shrugs*

I'm sure I read a quote from him saying he didn't want the sort of role that would lead to his face being on a lunchbox!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 26 2011, 12:25 PM BST

I'm not sure if they've ever stated whether she's human or not.

It is because, I suspect, that like a number of of issues/narrative outcomes, that they haven't made their mind up yet. A bit like BSG toward the end. Corner. Paint. DEM.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 26 2011, 12:27 PM BST

Possibly, though I think it might have been more that he decided not to even go for it, as opposed to it getting to the point of him being offered the role. *Shrugs*

I'm sure I read a quote from him saying he didn't want the sort of role that would lead to his face being on a lunchbox!

But his face is like a lunchbox!

Quote: Marc P @ April 26 2011, 11:48 AM BST

Okay you have my attention, what is the idea? Not the conceit or the device, what is the idea?

They are 2 lonely travellers passing each other on their journey to separate destinations. Only those destinations are in time not space.

The more they see of each other, the less they can say and the more lonely and secretive they become.

Pretty elegant though I say so myself.

Quote: Marc P @ April 26 2011, 12:29 PM BST

It is because, I suspect, that like a number of of issues/narrative outcomes, that they haven't made their mind up yet. A bit like BSG toward the end. Corner. Paint. DEM.

Possibly, we shall see! :)

I think everyone is missing the real point of River Song. She has enormous norks. Surely that should be enough to justify the character, without everyone worrying about timelines and such tedious logic?

N.B. the bringing back people from the dead in my view is a massive mistake. It kills any sense of genuine peril.

BSG certainly painted it's self into a big boring corner. But it managed to do it amazingly early on.

Quote: sootyj @ April 26 2011, 12:33 PM BST

They are 2 lonely travellers passing each other on their journey to separate destinations. Only those destinations are in time not space.

The more they see of each other, the less they can say and the more lonely and secretive they become.

Pretty elegant though I say so myself.

Well we'll see SootyJ. I think you are missing a lot of what is going on, but like I say, as does River, Time Will Tell :)

Hang on I am echoing Matthew here lol. :)

I gave the bare bones, do you want the anal detailed version|?

I gave the bare bones, do you want the anal detailed version|?

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