Sunday 15th June 2008 12:26am [Edited]
69,779 posts
Quote: PhQnix @ June 14 2008, 9:23 PM BST
Quite liked the underlying moral of the story. Because, essentially, Russell T. Davies created a microcosm of society. He shows the bad side of those are who are too stupid to think properly, those who are give too much weight to their status and those who are too insistnet about being clever.
The disappointing aspect was Davies' cynicism. All of the humans displayed undesirable traits and went against the doctor at some point. I was particularly disappointed with the teenage character, I would've liked him to stand up to his father in defence of the doctor.
I think it was a bit more realistic than the epsiodes where everybody helps, believes in and trusts the Doctor automatically.
And The Hostess gave up her life for the others in the end, so at least she was nice.