British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 623

I don't like it when they bugger about with things. I like how and when the series have been transmitted so far. Gives us something to watch during the summer. Plus I like the momentum a proper full series builds over a run.

I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out in this new format, myself.

Quote: chipolata @ March 10 2011, 9:50 PM GMT

Gives us something to watch during the summer. Plus I like the momentum a proper full series builds over a run.

Agreed. It is annoying.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 10 2011, 9:52 PM GMT

I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out in this new format, myself.

During the war you'd have been a collaborator.

You're like old, change fearing codgers!

Quote: chipolata @ March 10 2011, 9:55 PM GMT

During the war you'd have been a collaborator.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Quote: chipolata @ March 10 2011, 9:55 PM GMT

During the war you'd have been a collaborator.

During the war I would have used your body as a human shield. And then your bullet riddled corpse, until it was no longer fit for purpose.

It's not a change though, is it? They've done it a couple of times I think. It ruins the momentum like chip said.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 10 2011, 9:56 PM GMT

During the war I would have used your body as a human shield. And then your bullet riddled corpse, until it was no longer fit for purpose.

Laughing out loud

Quote: zooo @ March 10 2011, 9:57 PM GMT

It's not a change though, is it? They've done it a couple of times I think. It ruins the momentum like chip said.

But we've no idea what it will or won't do, as it hasn't happened yet! You're pre-empters; hope for good, don't fear the worst! Maybe it'll work well this way; or maybe it'll all be ruined FOREVER.

I thought the Special was petty good; certainly the best since the first one, though I know that isn't saying much.

Quote: Griff @ March 10 2011, 9:59 PM GMT

I wish they'd get rid of Amy and Rory.

Well I imagine they will at some point this year, I'll be very surprised if Smith doesn't have a new companion for his third run.

Quote: Griff @ March 10 2011, 9:59 PM GMT

I wish they'd get rid of Amy and Rory.

I agree.
I'm not that excited about Dr Who really. It'll just be something I watch out of habit, and now and again there'll be a few good scenes. Meh.

*zooo's Dr Who mojo has gone* :(

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 10 2011, 10:02 PM GMT

Well I imagine they will at some point this year, I'll be very surprised if Smith doesn't have a new companion for his third run.


Quote: Griff @ March 10 2011, 10:04 PM GMT

I'm intrigued by the River Song storyline. Her previous episodes have generally been quite good.

Her character hasn't appeared in a bad, or even middling, episode yet, for me. Apparently that story does end this time around, too.

I don't *love* her character, but she's pretty good, and that storyline could be great.
But... I just keep imagining any great profound moments being ruined by the ginger running up and doing some of her patented shouting and pouting.

Quote: Griff @ March 10 2011, 10:04 PM GMT

I'm intrigued by the River Song storyline. Her previous episodes have generally been quite good.

I just hope they don't tie themselves in knots with it.

*zooo's Dr Who mojo has gone* :(

Not the same without Him Teary

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