British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 614

Matt Smith's debut is a good starting point.

Quote: Marc P @ January 3 2011, 5:38 PM GMT

Blink was great. I liked the female photographer. They should give her her own spin off series.

Was that the lead woman? I think she may be a bit busy being a movie star now.

Sally Sparrow? Yeah.
They should have made her the new companion.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 3 2011, 5:40 PM GMT

Was that the lead woman? I think she may be a bit busy being a movie star now.

Oh. Yes sort of I think, have to watch it again sometime. Lucy Sparrow - something like that???? I was disappointed with the BP Tin Princess adaptation - which may have influenced the character in Blink - the writing of her that is?

Quote: zooo @ January 3 2011, 5:44 PM GMT

Sally Sparrow? Yeah.
They should have made her the new companion.

You leave miss Pond alone! :P

As soon as she stops being rubbish, I'll leave her alone. ;)

Quote: zooo @ January 3 2011, 5:44 PM GMT

Sally Sparrow? Yeah.
They should have made her the new companion.

Ah Sally, that was it. And yes she would have been good. A victorian companion would be good. In fact strand the Doctor with her for a whole series in Victorian London with narry a Sonic Screwdriver!

Quote: zooo @ January 3 2011, 5:48 PM GMT

As soon as she stops being rubbish, I'll leave her alone. ;)

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud She's ace! yum yum

Quote: Marc P @ December 29 2010, 10:41 AM GMT

I'm not sure - if people are held as security for loans - what a terminally ill woman would fetch?

Not sure that she was terminally ill in the initial time-line.

I forced my dad, who's a die-hard Who-hater, to watch Blink over Christmas. He really liked it, but I suspect that was largely due to the relative lack of Doctor in it.

I have to confess that watching it at my friends on Christmas day, I actually fell asleep & missed most of it. So either it was boring or Christmas din-dins were too filling. :D :D :D

I have watched it through though since then & thought it was slow but with some good parts.

I liked Kathrine's singing and the refrain is still haunting me though I don't remember the details. The concept of a spaceship crashing and taking hours over doing it was ridiculous and we already had a crashing ship as an Christmas special before. Booo.

The script seemed only half developed and needed a few more re-writes.

The Shark Sleigh Ride was fun though.

The production values were great.

Quote: Marc P @ January 3 2011, 6:54 PM GMT

The production values were great.

You thought it was pretty but lousy?

Quote: billwill @ January 3 2011, 6:51 PM GMT

The Shark Sleigh Ride was fun though.

In reference to that, I'm surprised no-one has yet claimed that Who has jumped the shark.

Sharks must keep moving forward or die, so I'd be interested to know how passengers got on and off the sleigh.

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