British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 606

Makes them look more like Jillian McKeith though...

As usual, I can't hear half the dialogue due to overloud background noise and music. Grr.

What sort of TV are you watching it on, zooo?

It's a bit rubbish so far. And if you've got Pond dressed as a policewoman at least have the decency to feature her more in the plot.

Quote: Ben @ December 25 2010, 6:19 PM GMT

What sort of TV are you watching it on, zooo?

My parents' one, so yes rubbish. :)

But I *think* I have had the same issues on a mahoosive new flat screen too.

Yawn. Dreary. Nothing to care about. Much better than last year's dog's dinner.

Quote: Badge @ December 25 2010, 6:45 PM GMT

Yawn. Dreary. Nothing to care about. Much better than last year's dog's dinner.

That makes sense!...

It does if you know what I think of last year's!

I'm at least hoping there's a trailer for the new series at the end of this tosh.

F**k's sake, this is dull.
Bring back RTD!

Quote: Badge @ December 25 2010, 6:49 PM GMT

It does if you know what I think of last year's!


They should stop doing Christmas specials. In fact they shouldn't have started them.

Worst hour of my life. But the new series looks fun.

i liked it

Quote: chipolata @ December 25 2010, 7:03 PM GMT

Worst hour of my life.

Laughing out loud

Best Christmas episode evar.

Except for the obvious plagiarism, of course...

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