British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 536

That's rich!

You lot only like her 'cos she's purty.

I am Karen Gillians facebook friend... as of 12 minutes ago.

Woo hoo! Lovey

Quote: zooo @ June 13 2010, 8:31 PM BST

That's rich!

You lot only like her 'cos she's purty.

That's outrageous. I Only like anyone because their pretty or will be useful when the revolution comes ;)

If she calls for your help from a door entry phone, don't answer.

Quote: sootyj @ June 13 2010, 8:34 PM BST

If she calls for your help from a door entry phone, don't answer.

I don't help people. That's what I have clones for.

I thought you just had them hump each other and kill each other alternatively. Whilst you reclined in a stained toga as a sort of depraved Caligula/Gav emperor of the Gav clones.

Or did I just dream that when I fell asleep in Avatar?

Quote: sootyj @ June 13 2010, 8:49 PM BST

I thought you just had them hump each other and kill each other alternatively. Whilst you reclined in a stained toga as a sort of depraved Caligula/Gav emperor of the Gav clones.

Or did I just dream that when I fell asleep in Avatar?

Think that's a dream. I don't run an feudal hierarchy.

No it runs it's self doesn't it? Like any good dictatorship.

So did the giant Gav clone work out?

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2010, 11:48 PM BST

Two strong ideas played all the way through.

1 Simple monster, a haunted staircase.

2 What would the Dr be like as a flatmate.

Yep. Thoroughly enjoyed that; best episode this series. Don't know why they have to have the bloody crack in every episode though - it is not as if we are gong to forget about it.

With the van Gogh ep and this one I feel we are seeing episodes actually written with Smith's personification in mind; these seem to be the first that have developed the character traits shown in the opener - most of the others could just as easily have had Tennant in the lead.

Interesting also that this is the second week running that the bloody sonic screwdriver has had its limitations exposed - and the piss ripped out of it a bit.

Quote: dannyjb1 @ June 13 2010, 8:32 PM BST

I am Karen Gillians facebook friend... as of 12 minutes ago.

Woo hoo! Lovey

The first step on that path to the restraining order...

Quote: Timbo @ June 13 2010, 8:59 PM BST

Yep. Thoroughly enjoyed that; best episode this series.

Wow, you think that good? I'd have the opener and Angels two parter at least in front of it, but I did think this weeks was a little comedic gem.

The one thing I didn't like was his being good at football. I dunno he's a sort of super geek.

But this season has just been fun, messy, cheap looking, the plots didn't always make sense, but it's been fun and character ful. And Lost, BSG et al would kill for it's quiet sense of menace.

Like the way good Dr Who is good.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 13 2010, 9:02 PM BST

Wow, you think that good? I'd have the opener and Angels two parter at least in front of it, but I did think this weeks was a little comedic gem.

This was better then the Angels. IMHO

Quote: sootyj @ June 13 2010, 9:07 PM BST

And Lost, BSG et al would kill for it's quiet sense of menace.

You're having a laugh, BSG in particular was much more tense.

Quote: Gavin @ June 13 2010, 9:09 PM BST

This was better then the Angels. IMHO

Really? It was a very fun episode though, so I can see why it would appeal so strongly.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 13 2010, 9:02 PM BST

Wow, you think that good? I'd have the opener and Angels two parter at least in front of it, but I did think this weeks was a little comedic gem.

The opener was fun, but this one probably benefited from having less of the adult Amy, surely the Doctor's most smugly irritating assistant since Bonnie Langford.

The Angel's episode was Aliens to Blink's Alien. i.e an exciting sequal that failed to understand what made the original so scary. It did gain immensely though from terrific performances from Ian Glenn and the Moll Flanders woman.

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