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Doctor Who... Page 499

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 31 2010, 12:49 PM BST

RTD was cerainly a more emotional writer, interested in wringing emotion and developing the characters; this was something that many complained about. Now that it appears Moffat does much less of it, you get the same people complaining about the lack of it! I'm not saying you Chip, just something I've noticed. Many are complaining about the lack of something In Moffats writing that they actually complained about being in RTD's writing at all!

I agree. And I thought some of the attacks on RTD were frankly bizarre and ridiculous. Before he came along, Doctor Who was dead in the water. He completely reanimated and made it into a must see Saturday night show again.

I just expected more of Moff. Although you could argue this is just the transition series where he makes his mistakes and finds his feet, and next year he'll really begin to fly.

Quote: Gavin @ May 31 2010, 12:56 PM BST

Bad wolf was a good one. Subtle at first then cock smackingly obvious by end. Torchwood one was a bit shit. They almost stopped and looked at the camera when they said "TORCHWOOD!!!!"

The only one of RTD's running things that really impressed me, was the 'he will knock three time' business in Tennant's final ones; because the pay off to that was just brilliant. With Tennant relieved, then you hear that tap-tap-tap, and there's Wilf. That was good stuff!

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 12:58 PM BST

I agree. And I thought some of the attacks on RTD were frankly bizarre and ridiculous.

And, at times, dreadfully homophobic.

I thought the way he introduced The Master was very good. That took me by surprise.

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 12:58 PM BST

I just expected more of Moff. Although you could argue this is just the transition series where he makes his mistakes and finds his feet, and next year he'll really begin to fly.

I think it's true that RTD had more experience of being a 'show runner', having done it on several other series over the years. Moffat always just wrote his own stuff, so perhaps, as you say, he's getting to grips with the role, with having to develop these other writers work.

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 1:07 PM BST

I thought the way he introduced The Master was very good. That took me by surprise.

That was brilliant yeah, actually. Though the payoff in that series finale was a bit weak.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 30 2010, 12:47 AM BST

Then the universe explodes, and all that's left is me and Godot, melted into one being, trying to pinch each other to see who can make the other yelp the loudest.

When I finally meet you, I'm going to kill you, so take a course of karaté.

Quote: Kenneth @ May 30 2010, 10:43 AM BST

It's Amy's Choice, which I just turned off during the first minute on account of Matt Smith's Tennant-esque delivery of the line "Look at you! You've swallowed a planet!" I don't think much of this glib bubbly bollocks. Matt Smith could be so good - but why is he carrying on as if he's Tennant?

Both Amy's Choice and The Hungry Earth felt like they were written for Tennant. I would imagine they either actually were or they were pinched off before any footage of Smith hit the can. In any case it's the script editor's job to iron out these consistencies.

The Hungry Earth is a difficult story to criticise - I mean where do you start? It was misconceived, the acting was not well directed (even Smith and Gillen were unconvincing in parts) the costumes and make-up were sub-standard and the dialogue was truly awful. Meera Syal's character said 'What?' on at least two occasions, something people NEVER say in real life and the Doctor was given the old chestnut of 'Don't do this' - another phrase that only ever sees the light of day in a script.

I would imagine in the future Moffat will come clean and admit that their backs were against the wall with this one - they knew it was poor, but there was no time or no money to do something else.

Unfortunately, next week's episode does not look to be an improvement.

I say what quite a bit. There were some good bits and Smith did a rather good angry Timelord.

Bit small roses in a very big dungheap.

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 12:58 PM BST

I agree. And I thought some of the attacks on RTD were frankly bizarre and ridiculous. Before he came along, Doctor Who was dead in the water. He completely reanimated and made it into a must see Saturday night show again.

I just expected more of Moff. Although you could argue this is just the transition series where he makes his mistakes and finds his feet, and next year he'll really begin to fly.

Sorry but this is like being impressed when you replace a budgie at wheel of a Ferrari with a racing driver.

Doctor Who was driven into the ground effectively by one man. It was always a fantastic vehicle for writers actors and designers. There are hundreds of TV professionals who could have made Who as successful as RTD - and perhaps more so - there are probably even fans who could have.

Cover Moffat's arse if you want, but the aside from his brilliant play in terms of casting Smith and Gillen, he has shown himself as really probably best left as an occasional writer for the show rather than it's overseer.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 31 2010, 1:07 PM BST

And, at times, dreadfully homophobic.

You really must be joking.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 31 2010, 1:39 PM BST

You really must be joking.

Why? There's plenty of stuff I've read over the RTD years that could be described as homophobic; just because you yourself didn't say anything doesn't mean that others didn't. I was in no way saying that people only complained about RTD because he was gay, I'm saying some homophobic things were thrown about by some in the course of complaining about him. This is obvious to anyone sad enough to read a few different WHo based forums.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 31 2010, 1:28 PM BST

When I finally meet you, I'm going to kill you, so take a course of karaté.

I actually trained as a boxer for a while as a kid. Only one leason mind you, I realised I didn't like the idea of being hit.

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 12:12 PM BST

It's been a funny old series. The one I was worried about - Matt Smith - has impressed, while the one I had high hopes for - Moff - has so far disappointed.

Agreed, I haven't been that impressed so far. Yeah, there's been some good lines, but overall I feel a bit meh about the whole thing.

And I think I would have preferred to keep Rory and lose Amy tbh, there's something about her that annoys me.

Quote: Nil Putters @ May 31 2010, 3:43 PM BST

And I think I would have preferred to keep Rory and lose Amy tbh, there's something about her that annoys me.

Yeah me too. Something erm... a bit too cocky or overconfident or something. (The character rather than the actor.)

Quote: zooo @ May 31 2010, 3:54 PM BST

Something erm... a bit too cocky or overconfident or something. (The character rather than the actor.)

Yeah, totally.

Quote: Nil Putters @ May 31 2010, 3:43 PM BST

And I think I would have preferred to keep Rory and lose Amy tbh, there's something about her that annoys me.

Only reason I still watch is Amy.


Quote: Nil Putters @ May 31 2010, 5:00 PM BST


Whistling nnocently

Quote: zooo @ May 31 2010, 3:54 PM BST

Yeah me too. Something erm... a bit too cocky or overconfident or something. (The character rather than the actor.)

She's Tennant for boys.

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